Chapter 19~Powers~

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Grindelwald sits across from me, his eyes glinting with a cruel satisfaction. "You have power, Eva. Power that you don't even understand. I will help you harness it."

I glare at him, hating the way he speaks to me as if he's offering a gift instead of another layer of my prison. "I don't want your help."

He laughs, the sound grating against my nerves.

 "You will, eventually. Everyone does. Power is the ultimate freedom."

The door to my cell opens, and his guard, a man named Brutus, steps in. His presence sends a shiver down my spine. Brutus is a brute in every sense of the word, his sadistic tendencies only matched by his loyalty to Grindelwald. He has approached me before. I shrink back as he steps closer, my fear barely concealed.

Grindelwald notices, a twisted smile playing on his lips. "Brutus, our guest is in need of some... persuasion. Ensure she remains compliant."

Brutus nods, a predatory gleam in his eyes. He grabs my arm, his grip bruising.
"Come on, half-breed. Let's see how much more you can take."

I'm not even - well yes I am a half breed vampire.. but both of my parents family lines are wizards. Why do I think this is even important? Given the sitation I should break my head about different things. How to escape for example..

Brutus shakes me, slaps me and pushes me against the wall. 
As anger overcomes me my eyes flicker and shapeshift into my vampire form. 

Brutus look as me, stepping back as he gestures for Grindelwald to approach

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Brutus look as me, stepping back as he gestures for Grindelwald to approach.
"There it is..." Grindelwald smiles disgustingly as he approaches me further. 
Just as I push him away with all my force he moves his wand and I get tied up. Standing in front of them without a chance to move.

"Your eyes are different than those from other vampires. Why is that." He says coldy, expecting an answer from me. What does he even mean. 
I mean I know. But don't all vampires have different feautures when they shift? 
Honestly, I never cared to know. I don't know other vampires.

I eye him dead.
"Special taste of furry for you.." I hiss. 

Grindelwald chuckles dangerously, "Oh

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Grindelwald chuckles dangerously, "Oh.. We will get it out of you, don't worry."
He grabs my neck with one movement, lifting me up as he starres into my eyes, I struggle to breath, unable to shift back into my normal appearance.

"Fuc- off-" I manage to say muffled. 
"You have the eyes of a snake." He says sharply. 
"What an interesting shift..." With one movement he let's go of me, dropping my weakend body on the floor. 

"Tell me what you are."

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