Platonic Lady Lesso x reader

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TW: None

The little devil

Paper planes flew through the classroom, and students chattered amongst themselves, the class yet to commence. Amidst the buzz, someone decided to pull a prank on you.

The classroom door creaked open, the sound of rhythmic cane tapping and heels clicking echoing through the room, growing louder with each step.

"Morning, class," Lady Lesso announced, her gaze sweeping over the students until it landed on a toddler sobbing in the corner under the table. More precisely, it was you as a toddler.

Gently approaching you, Lady Lesso hesitated for a moment before lifting you into her arms and cradling you with a mixture of tenderness and reluctance.

"Now, now, little snot. Let's see what we can do about this."

Turning to the class with a stern expression, she demanded, "Whoever played this cruel joke on Y/N, come forward immediately!" Her voice resonated with a mix of anger and disappointment.

Predictably, no one stepped forward. Lady Lesso rolled her eyes and dismissed the Nevers, still holding you in her arms as she made her way towards her office. The spell was likely to wear off by tomorrow morning. Until then, Lady Lesso would have to care for the helpless toddler you had become.

Upon arriving at her office, Lady Lesso gently placed you on the couch. She rummaged through her closet, eventually pulling out a small blanket and tucking you in.

"Try to get a nap while I grade papers. And no crying." Lady Lesso ordered, sitting beside you as she hesitantly ran her fingers through your hair soothingly.

"We'll figure this out tomorrow."

"Not eepy," you protested, standing up.

Lady Lesso pondered for a moment. What do toddlers do when they're bored? And what did you enjoy doing? She rummaged through her desk drawers, eventually placing some papers, paint, and brushes on the table. Picking you up, she sat beside you and pointed to the paint.

Taking a brush, Lady Lesso dipped it in paint and created a simple flower design on the paper.

"See, Y/N? Like this."

Since when had Lesso been so comfortable with small children?

She handed you the brush with a gentle smile.

"Why don't you give it a try? It might help pass the time." Lady Lesso watched as you hesitantly held the brush, attempting to mimic her movements. Instead of coloring the paper, you began painting the table.

Lady Lesso glanced at the table with a teasing grin.

"I suppose my office needed renovations and some bright colors. But I forgive you only because you're you. Tell Dovey and I won't be forgiving once the spell wears off."

You continued playing with the paint, transforming the once ash-brown table into a vibrant pink.

"'Nough, 'nough," you declared. "Dolly—wanna play with dolly," you added.

Gently taking the brush away, Lady Lesso nodded understandingly.

"Of course, darling. Let's find your doll."

Lady Lesso walked over to a closet and retrieved a baby doll, handing it to you with a warm smile.

"Now, let's see...what would Dolly like to do?"

She placed you on the cushions in the corner, allowing you to play in peace with your doll while she cleaned the mess on the table

As she wiped down the pink paint, Lady Lesso glanced over at you, contentedly playing with your doll on the cushions.

"The little devil fell asleep?" she murmured, observing your rhythmic breathing. A soft warmth spread through her heart at the sight of your peaceful slumber.

She gently tucked a stray lock of hair behind your ear and whispered softly, "Sleep well, little one."

Just as she was about to stand, the spell wore off.

Watching you transform back into a teenager, Lady Lesso felt a mixture of relief and concern. At least you were no longer vulnerable as a toddler.

"We still have much to discuss when you wake up, dear. But rest assured, I won't let anyone harm you again."

Charlize Theron characters x reader One-Shot book (platonic)Where stories live. Discover now