Platonic Lady Lesso x Never!reader

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TW: Mentions of grooming, sexual abuse, minor kissing an adult, Lady Lesso being a bitch and then a mother figure. Doom Room hhh, what more can I say?


"... Now ..." Lady Lesso paused for a dramatic effect, "I want you to dazzle me with whatever your unique talent to be," she said, twirling around her cane as she walked around the classroom, pointing with her cane to each student at a time.

You sat right in the back, hoping the class will end before she got to you, until you heard your name. Your heart dropped in your chest.

"Well, Y/LN, don't keep us waiting, let's see what you are capable of," Lady Lesso crossed her arms.

You hesitated. You knew that Lady Lesso was well-known for her harsh critiques, and you didn't want to be on the receiving end of them. But you also knew that you needed to be honest.

You gulped down nervously. You were toasted. Not toasted... fucked. You were absolutely fucked.

"I- Uh- I haven't been able to discover my special talent... ma'am," you looked down at the desk, suddendly the crack in the wood became very interesting to you.

"Y/LN... look at me," the dean spat out.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you," she demanded again after you ignored her.

You slowly looked up at the dean's cold eyes and quickly averted your gaze to her hair instead.

Lady Lesso's eyes narrowed at you. She could sense that your lack of talent was a sore spot for you, and she was in no mood for weakness.

"So you mean to tell me, that the second half of semester will soon start and you still haven't found your talent?" Lady Lesso spoke in a condescending tone.

"Weak, lazy, arrogant... Because of students like you, Evil never defeats Good and I just have to work the students twice as hard." Lady Lesso said and pointed towards the door with her cane. "Out, now."

Lady Lesso's words hit you like a punch in the gut. You knew your failure to find your talent was a big deal, but you had never expected to be kicked out of the class for it. Tears started to well up in your eyes, and you felt like you were going to collapse.

You could feel the tears streaming down your face as you turned to leave. You couldn't believe how quickly Lady Lesso had made you feel like a complete failure. It felt like the whole class was watching you as you walked out of the room, your head hung low.

As you stumbled out of the classroom, you struggled to hold back your tears. You have never felt more humiliated in your life. As you made your way down the hallway, you tried to figure out what to do next.

Suddenly, you were grabbed from behind and spun around. It was Lady Lesso, looking even more furious than before.

"Come with me," Lady Lesso snarled, pulling you along behind her. "You're coming to the Doom Room."

Your mouth dropped open in disbelief. You have heard of the Doom Room but you have never imagined that you would end up there.

You walked in silence for a while, Lady Lesso's tight grip on your wrist the whole time. Finally, you arrived at a large, ominous door with the words 'Doom Room' engraved on it. Lady Lesso swung the door open and pushed you inside, grabbing you and tying you down to the chair on a small podium.

You looked around the Doom Room in horror. The walls were lined with grim-looking weapons, and there were strange objects hanging from the ceiling. It was a place of fear and punishment, and you could feel it in your bones.

Charlize Theron characters x reader One-Shot book (platonic)Where stories live. Discover now