Chapter 1

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The sound of my office phone ringing pulled me out of my trance. Can't a girl get some rest around here?I sighed frustratedly and picked it up, waiting for the person at the other end to speak.

'Miss Chawasema?',


'Someone is here to see you',

I pinched the bridge of my nose and readjusted my spectacles. Damn Lolo for going on a vacation.

'Mollen I told you to cancel all my appointments for today. '

'I did ma'am . He didn't make one but he is insisting. '

'Then send him away.' Instead of Mollen's voice responding,a male voice replied.

'Miss Chawasema.' God. It was a rough ,deep voice that spread over me, leaving goosebumps in it's wake. I cleared my throat and composing myself said ,


'I won't take much of your time'.

JESUS. This was a voice made of sin.

'I'm sorry sir but I'm not seeing any clients today. Please come back on Monday,I will be sure to see you then.'

I heard him sigh on the other end.
'I'm afraid l do not have that much time on my hands. I need to see you now'.His voice had gotten firmer and commanding.

'Im sure l can refer you to one of our good lawyers. They are sure to help. '

'I don't want them. I want you. 'His words were not meant to be anything but a professional statement that he preferred my services,but poor horny me felt his words vibrate in my belly, leaving a pool of unwanted heat. I cleared my throat. AGAIN. I couldn't get a reputation that l turned away clients now could l?Besides,l was curious to see the face behind that baritone voice. So , instead of sending him away like l had planned to,I said

'Could you please give Mollen the phone?',. After a moment Mollen came back on the line.


'Molllen, could you please escort the client to my office.'

'Sure thing ma'am'.

'Thank you'. I replaced the phone . I fixed myself to be presentable and waited for the knock. When it came, I replied with my business tone , telling the person to come in. The door opened and Mollen appeared first then she moved aside to let in the most gorgeous species of men my eyes had ever set sight on. There were three of them.One was wearing denim black jeans ,white sneakers and a black shirt, short sleeved, with the top three buttons undone. He was tanned such that he appeared brown. He was at least 5'9 ,with a lean build. And he was on his phone. Rude. The second guy was wearing a blue tracksuit with white sneakers. He was much like the first guy, except he was paler in complexion. And the third guy.Mother Mary. I literally stopped breathing when l loooked at him. He was at least a head taller than the other two and more bigger and buffier. The navy blue suit he was wearing almost could pass as his second skin with the way it fitted his person. And he wasn't smiling. Great. Nothing l hated more than dealing with aggravated clients. Seeing as l was the only one with a runaway mind,l pulled my business look on and seeing how tall they were,remained seated. I hated standing with tall people,they always made me feel so small and l was already short.

'Greetings. How may l help you?',The tracksuit guy spoke up first.

'Listen ,we need your services like now. Out brother is in jail and we want him out. 'I just continued to look at him. What happened to manners vele?Like just a simple ,hello how are you?

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