Chapter 7

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The loud music of the club was the first thing that made me regret ever agreeing to this. It was loud, deafening and l couldn't help but wince . Loretta on the other hand screamed the moment we stepped foot in Lasa Cova,the club we were currently at. According to Loretta,it was the best club in the country and by gods,l couldn't figure out why. I trailed behind my friend as she danced her way to the bar. She was gonna get hammered alright. I took a seat at the bar and turned around to look at the scene before me. Bodies were grinding at each other. Some were groping,others smooching. I wouldn't be the least surprised to discover people fucking in here. Women and girls were dressed to seduce and entice. I was no different. Loretta had dressed me up in a scandalous dress that left little to the imagination.

'What can l get you sugar?',I heard the bartender ask and l swirled back to look at him. Yum. He was a man alright. The tight white shirt he was wearing strained against his muscles,making my inner hoe dance in glee. Maybe this night would be productive after all. Giving him my most charming smile,I was about to answer when Loretta shouted to him,

'Shots baby boy!Keep 'em coming!' The guy smiled and his eyes crinkled in amusement.

'Sure thing sweetheart '. And started lining up shots on the counter. Loretta clapped her hands then looked at me.

'I'm gonna get wasted so I'm counting on you to get us home safely yeah?', I rolled my eyes. I had a very very high tolerance to alcohol and no matter how much l drank l could never seem to get drunk. The song being played changed and the following one was even louder, making me feel like my ears were bleeding.

'Sheesh. It's too loud in here'. I thought out loud. Unfortunately Loretta heard me.

'Its a fucking club of course it's gonna be loud.  If you need quiet and somber music go to a fucking church! Drink up and feel the beat!', did she have to be so loud? Nevertheless l downed five shots in a go,the liquid burning my throat. Loretta whooped and l laughed. I turned to the bartender and gestured for more shots.He winked at me and l flattered my lashes at him. I managed to down eight of them before l felt myself loosen up .Loretta took my hand and dragged me to the dance floor. I couldn't dance to save my life but l just started jumping up and down, swinging my arms everywhere,my head bobbing up and down , mixing with the other bodies on the floor.I was starting to feel myself having fun . We stayed there for sometime before l felt like peeing. I leaned in onto Loretta before shouting that l was gonna go to the restroom. She nodded before a guy grabbed her waist and she started grinding herself on him. Trevor was going to kill someone.Pushing through the mass of people,l walked towards the restroom.When l entered the bathroom,l saw two girls in a heavy make out session. They were groping each other and didn't even acknowledge my presence. After doing my business l made my way out but collided with someone. A man to be precise. I stumbled back, rubbing my forehead to relieve some of the pain.

'Cazzo(fuck). I'm sorry .l wasn't watching where l was going '. A voice said. I looked up at him and was met with the prettiest eyes l had ever seen. They were an electric blue ,framed by thin lashes and sitting on a handsome face. He had an unshaved jaw making his jaw look more defined giving him a dark sexy look . My eyes moved down to his white dress shirt where two buttons where open,giving me a view of skin and chest hair. Mmmh. His sleeves were rolled up, showing off his strong attractive hands. I had a thing with hands. Especially big veined ones like the one l was currently looking at. I bit my lower lip. Yum. My inner hoe squeiled. I was broken out of my spell when l heard a groan .I looked up to see the man with a hooded expression with underlying amusement on his face.

'You shouldn't look at me like that sweetheart. It won't end well for you'. Then his eyes roamed shamelessly over my body and his tongue flicked over his lips. Safe to say he liked what he was seeing. I smiled cheekily as l realized l might have found what l cane here for.

'What if l am looking for trouble ?',God really? That's the best l could come up with? Shit. Must have been out of the game for too long.

'Careful what you wish for love. What's your name?', he said ,his tone playful. I hesitated. I couldn't give him my real name. This after all was going to be a one time thing.

'Michel.'He looked at me intensely.

'That's not your real name is it?',I chuckled.

'No.'He took a step closer and leaned forward ,

'Well ,Michel ,want me to go buy you a drink? Then maybe after that we can take this somewhere more private '. His words were suggestive and spoken by someone who was used to having the female population swooning over him. I mean,the guy was damn attractive. Thrilled to say l felt an attraction to him. Not the explosive ,body thrilling type l had with Killian. Oh God. Why was l even thinking about him at this moment?

'I have had enough to drink for one night ,' I said , hoping he would catch on. And he did. He stepped closer until we were sharing the same air. He looked into my eyes ,before letting his gaze drop down to my lips. I licked them almost impulsively. He emitted another groan before he pulled me by the waist and slammed his lips on mine. I closed my eyes and let out a whimper. It had been too long. His lips were cold , firm and he tasted like alcohol and lemon. He pinched my waist and l gasped. He took that chance to slide his tongue into my mouth. He swiped his tongue on mine and l moaned again,We got lost in the kiss. He pushed me against the walls,before he started peppering kisses along my jaw and on to my neck ,biting and sucking. Was he leaving a hickey?Before l could chase that thought someone cleared their throat and l opened my eyes and saw my drunk friend looking at me,a sheepish grin on her face.Mr Whatziname hid his face in the crook of my neck but continued to suck ,lick and bite. I pushed him off gently and turned to directly face Loretta.

'Seeeeeee!?I told you you were gonna find a hot guy here and daaamn girl,he is fine.' she screeched. Then she burped and tumbled a little.Nhai Mwari(Oh God). I looked back to apologize to Mr Whatziname and to give him my number but he was gone. Well. There goes my hookup. I sighed and turned to my friend,who was slumped against the walls. I pulled her up straight and supported her . Time to go home l guess. I went outside with her then went back inside to retrieve our purses. The bartender saw me ,passed me a paper then winked. I looked at the paper. His number. Smiling cheekily at him ,l blew him a kiss before going back to Loretta. She was singing quite loudly, pointing at the sky. I giggled. Just then my phone rang and saw Trevor's name flash on the screen. I groaned. He was the last person l wanted to talk to right now.

'Murungu. 'I always called him by his surname. He wasn't my favorite person because he had made Loretta cry quiet a number of times before they got married. He also seemed like a shady guy. I mean,the guy had bordguards following his wife. She didn't know but l had damn well noticed. Even today they followed us to the club.

'Where is she?', l rolled my eyes. Ever the loving man.

'Cut the bull. Ukunyatsiziva kwatiri.(You know exactly where we are.) He went quite for a while before he said,

'Stay there. I'm coming. 'Then he cut the call. Huffing in annoyance,l put my phone back in my purse . I helped Loretta to my car which we had come with and laid her down on the backseat. She mumbled something before she slipped into sleep. Now l had to wait for Trevor,I closed the door and leaned my head on the car. . It was a cool night and l took a deep breath, clearing my lungs of the smell of alcohol and sweat that had been inside. My eyes were still closed when l heard the voice belonging to the man my body had been yearning for.

'Hello angel'.

The moment he spoke,his words washed over me,my heart rate picked up and l stopped breathing. My inner goddess and hoe smiled, finally in agreement with each other for once. I turned back slowly to see the mam who had uttered the two words that had brought out such a reaction from my body. And there he was. Killian Abate. In all his gorgeousness. He was wearing a black suit sans tie. The moonlight illuminated on him giving him an appearance close to godlike. God. He was beautiful. I could feel every cell within me pushing me to just go and jump on him and kiss him but l resisted. Instead,l kept a neutral face on . A smile like no other that l had ever seen stretched on his handsome face before he tilted his head to the side and said,

'Missed me?',

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