Chapter 5

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I jerk awake. Drowning, again. Really? This is it. Today I'm going to the pharmacy to get myself some sleeping pills.

Maybe it is to be considered weak, taking the shortcut. Face your fears, some may say. I'm done with trying to get through this like that. The dark circles under my eyes have gotten significantly worse. I can't even hide them with makeup anymore.

No, tonight I'm getting myself a good night's sleep. I'm already looking forward to it.

Another week has passed since Mark and I's little coffee date and it's time for another one. Sunday really is the best day of the week. You could sleep in, wake up just in time for a good brunch... The keyword is could.

But I still find joy in getting to see Mark. Our weekly catch-up is what fuels me for the rest of the week. Without him, I'd probably locked myself in a coffin by now. Jumped off a cliff, or something.

I'm at our usual spot early. Somehow, Mark is already there. He smiles when he sees me, waves eagerly. He's almost like a little kid on Christmas, jumping in excitement because Santa Claus has delivered gifts.

"Tae! You're early!", he exclaims happily. This dude sounds like he's been up for hours already. Well, so have I, but my voice is raspy and hoarse. Maybe from the lack of sleep.

Once I come closer, the look on Mark's face changes. "I appreciate you being early and all, but you didn't have to go out of your way to be here at this time". He looks at me with an unreadable expression. "Your well-being is your number one priority, okay? I will always come second.".

"Don't say that. You're really important to me".

"And sleep should be more important to you."

I'm about to roll my eyes, but stop myself. Instead, I nod. "I'm getting myself some sleeping pills today."

Mark holds up the door for me when we walk into the coffee shop. "Have you considered... like... therapy?". This causes me to huff.

"Mark, I'm not mentally ill."

Though, it has crossed my mind I might be, with my past. Which Mark doesn't know about, for obvious reasons. Truth be told, like most people, he's not aware of my ability to become invisible. I'm not sure he knows there are people with special abilities living among us at all. If I told him, he'd probably freak out, never want to see me again. I can't risk that.

Mark quickly raises his hands in defense. "I don't think you are. Just saying that sometimes you need help. And asking others for help is okay.".

"How did I get such a wise friend?".

This forces a laugh out of him. I'm sure he is just as aware as I am of my attempt at changing the subject. But he lets it pass, gives me the space I ask for.

The question remains; how did I get such a great friend as Mark?

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