Chapter 22

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Surely they know we're still here, and where we're going, but they can't see us, which is a huge advantage. I focus all of my power on keeping everyone hidden from the plain eye. It's like a blanket laying over us, keeping us invisible. But it doesn't make us bullet proof, so when the guards started firing bullets into thin air, I was thankful for Taeyong's shield.

I'm too occupied keeping us invisible to notice the tiredness in Taeil's eyes. He's drained of energy from boosting both me and Taeyong at the same time.

Johnny gives him small thumbs up every now and then, asking if he's alright, to which he just receives small nods back.

We're almost at the top of the stairs. Then, all that's left is a long corridor, a turn to the right at the end of that, and then a small climb up the ladder to the entrance.

As we get to the corridor, I feel the power leaving me as if someone ripped the charger from me. The blanket falls off us and I know we're visible again. Taeyong tries his best to hold his shield up, but it looks heavy.

My worried gaze falls on Taeil who has passed out behind me. I never even noticed his hand slip off me. The guilt is quick to form in my chest.

"He's alive," Haechan states and sighs in relief. He grabs ahold of one of Taeil's arms. I grab the other and we begin sprinting with him down the long corridor. The others run behind us, surely ready to shield us when the guards catch up.

I almost think we're gonna make it when we make the right turn.

Except, there are guards at the entrance. Like they've been expecting us.

There's no way we can run from them.

We hear the sound of boots coming to a halt behind us, knowing that the other guards, too, have caught up to us.

This is it, I think. We got so close, but it's not enough. Just like last time.

"Well, well, well..." a voice says from behind the mass in front of us. It's a voice I know all too well. "I figured you'd be back. Just not that it'd take you two entire years," and the man enters my field of vision. He enters my field of vision as he  walks thorugh the group of guards. "It's good to see you again, Taehyung". The way my name rolls off his tongue makes shivers run down my spine. It feels so wrong.

"Wish I could say the same," I answer bitterly, with a new-found confidence.

"Tsk tsk tsk," he flicks his tongue. "Always so spiteful.

"I see you brought friends. They will make fine pieces in my collection".

Pieces in a collection. That's all we are to him.

"We won't be staying that long," Lucas croaks out, his eyes cold as the ice he threw earlier.

He looks surprised at someone deciding to speak back to him. But the surprise is quickly hidden by that sadistic smile of his. That smile used to give me nightmares.

"Such a pity," he plays along. "I've been preparing your rooms for a week."

For a week. Ever since they showed up looking for the entrance.

The smirk falls off his face when there's a scream further down the corridor. It's a voice I don't recognize so I figure it's a guard. After, there's a familiar roar, however, and I don't think I've ever been happier to hear it.

The man in front of us quickly backs into the mass of guards again and disappears. He'd never risk his own life the way his men do theirs.

It's like the perfect opportunity just presented itself and we've all regained back the power to fight ourselves out of here.

Jimin turns the corner just as the first guards start firing. The fire in Taeyong's eyes matches the fire I feel in me and he shields us from the bullets flying our way. The bullets that are halved in number in the matter of seconds. It walks through the group of guards like the berserk he is and they don't stand a chance as they're thrown left and right.

It's the cue we need to head toward the ladder. One by one, they climb up before me, but I'm staying behind, not letting Jimin out of sight again, like I'd promised.

When he's the last one standing I think it safe to approach him.

"Jimin, please listen to me," I beg. He's looking at me with those red eyes I don't recognize as his but as the beast's. "I know you're in there...

"Please, climb this ladder and get out of here. It's the way out," I plead. I don't think I've ever felt this hopeless in my life.

But something flashes across Jimin's eyes and suddenly he's past me and up the ladder. It only takes seconds.

I sigh in relief and turn toward the ladder myself. 

The footsteps behind me make me freeze.

No, this isn't happening.

But there's a thud behind me and looking back I see a guard knocked unconscious. I look up, Lucas smiling down at me. He'd thrown his ice past me without me noticing.

"Hurry up before someone else comes," he urges.

I grab the ladder firmly and climb up as fast as I can.

When I'm up I'm surprised to see Jimin lying unconscious in front of me.

"Taeil drained him of energy," Yuta explains and I notice Taeil is awake.

"Now, let's go before we're stuck here," Mark continues and looks at me. I'm so glad to see his face.

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