Chapter 28

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I've gone back two more times since Mark and I's falling out. Since then we've not spoken much, and yet I don't regret a thing. I get to meet Mark in the past, when there wasn't this strain between us, and somehow it makes me miss him less in the present.

I don't even bother changing our 'fight' the times I pass it, just reliving it like it played out the first time.

My mind must be tired from all the time travel because when I'm in the present I can't think straight. It's like I'm expecting there to be another side in my mind to make all the choices for me. But there isn't anyone else to make my choices so I just lay in bed all day.

One evening, when I'm about to drift off, I hear hushed voices from the living room.

"I don't think we should continue with this," Mark whispers.

It's quiet for some time.

"I hate to be agreeing with you on this because I really think I'm close to getting him all the way back, but I can see what it's doing to him."

"I've never seen him like this, Yuta," Mark says. There's so much emotion in his voice. "It feels like I did this to him."

"No, you didn't do this alone. We all did."

I've made my way up from my bed, tip toeing to my door so I can hear better. Thankfully it's slightly ajar.

"What do we do?" Mark asks after a moment of silence.

"I don't think there's anything we can do but stop this all together."

Before I can stop myself, I've walked out into the light of the conversation.

"You can't. We're so close. If we stop, it'll all have been for nothing."

Yuta and Mark turn toward me, clearly shocked I've heard them talking.

"We thought you were asleep," Yuta starts.

"You can't stop it," I repeat, ignoring him and piercing my gaze into Mark. He meets it with the same sternness. It almost makes me avert my gaze. Only almost.

"We can. And we will. The idea was stupid, we should never have gone through with it."

I stare a few more seconds at Mark before turning my attention to Yuta. "We can't stop it," I say, shaking my head as if that'll help convince him.

"Mark is right, Taehyung. It's doing things to you. We can't just stand by and watch it destroy you like this."

I huff. "I'm not destroyed. But we will be if we don't find a way to stop the Government before they come for us.

"And you and I both know that this is the best chance we've got." I add when they don't answer.

I don't even wait for a reply before turning on my heel and walking into my room again, making sure to close the door behind me with a bit more force than necessary.

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