chapter 8

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Welp I'm back!!

~mapicc pov~

I woke up to ro shaking me awake. "Oh my god Ro! What do you want!" I whined as I rolled over onto my other side, facing away from Ro. "No mapicc come on. Get up we ha e things to do" ro said sternly. I groaned and rolled over to face Ro. "Fine" I said as I got up

Ro walked outta my room and I got changed into my normal black sweats and red hoodie. I walked over to my desk and got my headband and put it on. I looked at my reflection in my mirror that sits on my desk, my hair was still a mess from just getting outta bed. I grabbed my hair brush and brushed my hair a little.

I walked outta my room and into the kitchen. I looked for Ro and spotted him making something. "Whatcha making Ro" I ask as I walked over to him. I did my usual and put my head on his shoulder as I watched him make us breakfast.

"Why do you always put your head on my shoulder as I make breakfast?" Ro questioned. "Cuz I like to do it. I like to annoy the crap outta you" I said smirking. He sighed. He reached his hand up to my face and pushed me away. "I need to be able to move to make us breakfast Mapicc"

"Yeah I know, but that's why I do it! To annoy you!" I said smiling as I sat down at the table. Ro brought our food over to the table on two plates. I start eating as soon as Ro puts my plate in front of me. "You're making breakfast tomorrow" Ro says. I look up at him and say "y'know I'm probably gonna burn down the house doing that right?". He shakes his head.

"Anyways, do you know if y/n is part of a team yet?" Ro asked. "Uhhh I don't think she is... Why?" I question. "Well I was thinking since you like to have her over for training and even in the middle of the night, why not ask her to join our team" he said with a smirk on his face.

I blushed. "How did you know?" I said, looking down at my food. "Bruh, you two were being loud as hell and I could tell it was y/n by her voice" he said looking up at me. I sighed in defeat. "I guess I'll ask her at training today..." I said slowly.

I thought back to last nights conversation with y/n. I thought about how she said that I'd be better off without Ro. She's right in a sense, whenever I'm not around Ro I feel happier but also I feel lost cuz I dont know what I do. 'maybe she could help me with that...' I thought as I picked up my plate and put it in the sink.

I heard a knock on the door as I started walking back to my room. I cautiously walked over to the door and opened it slightly. "Hey mapicc!" Said the cheery voice of y/n. I opened the door all the way when I realized it was her. "Oh hey y/n, why are you here so soon?" I questioned as Ro came up behind me. He put his arms around my neck and his head on my shoulder.

"Now you know how it feels mapicc" Ro said. I rolled my eyes and looked back to y/n. She had a confused look on her face. "I do this to Ro every morning when he's making breakfast and he finds it every annoying" I said sarcastically.

She laughed a little and quickly reached up and shoved Ro away. "You can't have him. He's mine" she said playfully as she dragged me behind her. I rolled my eyes again at how they were playfully fighting. "No! I've known him longer! Get your hands off my mapicc!" Ro said with fake offense in his voice. He laughed.

I laughed as I shoved y/n and Ro inside. "Ok you two, stop fighting over me. I belong to no one" I said sarcastically. "Man why you gotta be such a party-pooper mapicc!" Y/n said turning to me. "Cuz otherwise y'all would fight forever. Anyways why are you here so early?" I questioned again.

"Oh, I figured I could use some extra time training. I also thought of testing using my wings in combat" she said. "Well, we could test that" I said as I walked to my room to get my sword. She followed and talked to Ro the whole way to my room.

"So it seems you two are getting along now" I said as I search my room for my sword. Y/n walks in and grabs my sword. "you looking for this" she says with a goofy grin on her face. I turn to her," yup, can I have it" I said as I stuck my hand out for my sword. "If you can catch me!" She said as she ran past Ro.

"Oh come on y/n!" I said as I ran after her. I chased her all throughout the base and eventually ended up in the training area. "Ha! I got you now!" I said as I locked the door to the training area. She looked around for a way to go. I saw her summon her wings but before her could take off I ran into her.

She fell to ground and I tried to balance myself but ended up falling on top of her. "Uh sorry y/n..." I said awkwardly. I got off y/n and stood up. I reached out my hand for her to take. She took my hand and I pulled her off the ground. "Your fine mapicc" she said, a slight blush noticeable on her face.

I picked up my sword and got into a fighting stance. "Time to train" I said grinning at her.


Welp, some mapicc and Ro fluff. I really didn't plan on that happening but I guess it did...anyways I gotta go.
Bye my little dragonets!!! I love you all!!!
Word count:1046

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