Chapter Two

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Bonnie and her coven retreat into the Academy and Camrone turns to his mother. He wanted answers. And based on her outburst she has a few. A few of which he needs. Zelda looks over to him and cuffs his face in her palms. She has a look over dread on her face. And it scares him. Camrone listens carefully as he's sure a lecture is on its way. The feeling of connection he felt between those witches lingering inside him.

"Listen carefully, Dandelion, those witches are dangerous. Maintain a considerable distance away from them. Understood.?" Zelda firmly grips his arms to keep him before her. He offers a nod and turns back to the academy. 

"Why does it look like that.?" Camrone scrunches his nose at the haunted appearance of the academy. Zelda chuckles and pulls his suitcase out of the trunk. She pushes it closed and moves over to him.

"It's a glamour spell. Put up to keep humans away from the students within." She responds. Camrone nods. Of course. A school for witches would have some form of protective spells on the building. Spells. The thought alone baffles him. Spells. Magic. It's all still surreal to him. And with time he, himself is to know how to use said magic. Sure he revived a few butterflies and brought a painting to life. But those events weren't intentionally. Camrone lets out a breath and moves through the entrance of the building. He stops and marvels as his surroundings shift and transforms itself. The once haunted and burnt hall is now lively and luxurious. Marble walls and pearly white pillars that reach into the sky? The school has no roof? Zelda chuckles at his amazement. "It's impressive isn't it. Best guess is a coven practiced an illusion spell and are still trying to reverse it."

"Correct." A witch seemingly older than Camrone responds. "Valerie Alden. Head of the Student Council." She offers a hand to Camrone. He takes her hand into his and shakes it. "We're very pleased to welcome you here, Camrone." Valerie turns and offers a bow to Zelda. "Archmage Lady Zelda, a pleasure to witness your presence." Camrone turns to his mother for an explanation.

"I might have a little standing in the witching community." Zelda suggests with a shrug. He scoffs and turns back to Valerie. A thing he apparently hated. His mother keeping things from him. Important things it would seem.

"That might've been important to mention a few moments ago." He shakes his head disapprovingly. Zelda does nothing to defend herself.

"Please, Valerie. Continue with the orientation" Valerie nods and turns her back to them as she walks ahead of them.

"If you haven't guessed by now, the very foundation of this academy was built by our goddess." They come across a statue at the center of a fountain. "Lady Hecate. Goddess of Magic, Crossroads, Witches. All the good stuff." Valerie chuckles to herself. "Oh yes, the academy is alive. How? Magic." She comments. "Magic defies all human laws of physics and how they think the universe works. The only part they got right; was that a big bang of energy created everything." Valerie moves away from the statue and goes on a tour. "Come along." She pushes open two large doors and grins. "Here, the cafeteria; it's where we eat lunch, hang out, help each other with homework; the interesting stuff." She walks through the cafeteria offering a smile to those who greet her. Camrone rolls his eyes at those that curtly nod and fangirl/boy over his mother.

"Covens also gather here."

"Right. Covens. A coven is a group of three or more witches. Everyone before you joins a coven. As a witch's power is amplified by the amount of witches within their coven. Or by the amount of power a witch within a coven is born with. Either or." Valerie informs him as he intakes the new info. "A coven is forever. Even in the afterlife. Us witches have our own heaven. Crafted by our goddess. Kabbalah. However, we share the same hell as every other religion." Valerie arrives at the next destination. A hall filled with doors. "Welcome to the hall of Magix. Each classroom focuses on certain properties of witchcraft." She stops at class #1. "Spellcrafting. In here a witch learns basic incantation and some even manage to create their own spells." She walks over to the class #2 which faces the spellcraft room. "Mother Tongue. Here witches are taught to better their fluency in Latin. As the magical language is the basis of all our spells."

"Uh... I don't speak Latin."

"Loqueris Latine?"

"No, I don't speak... Oh." Camrone pauses. Amazed. He understood her question. Yet he has never learnt the language. Her question of does he spoke Latin. "But how?"

"All of us; witches are born with the capability to understand Latin. Mother Tongue teaches you to speak and better your fluency in saying it." Zelda explains. "Valerie... next class."

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