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Sun shined through the curtains and Zhang Hao groaned feeling it hit his eyes. He heard noise around his apartment. He thought it was Hanbin but when he didn't hear his voice he frowned and slowly opened his eyes rubbing.

"Oh...you're finally awake", Taerae said.

Zhang Hao only groaned in response and felt the blankets getting pulling off of him.

"Get up Hao.. it's 2pm. I've been here trying to interrogate your ass and you've just been sleeping your goddamn life away", Taerae said as he tried to pick Zhang Hao up out of the bed.

"Let me die...", Zhang Hao said in a low voice trying to lay down.

"DIE?!", Taerae exclaimed, "Nuh uh, get your ass up... also your little one night stand is so sweet"

Zhang Hao's eyes opened immediately after that. Hanbin is who he wanted to see anyway no shade to Taerae or anything but the dick really had him in a chokehold.

"What did he do"

"Ohhhhhh, so now yo big funky ass wanna wake up? Tell me what the hell happened cuz as far as I remember I told you to call me last night and I didn't get no call nor a text", Taerae said sitting on the edge of the bed looking at Zhang Hao.

"Answer my question first then I'll answer yours", Zhang Hao said and Taerae rolled his eyes and pointed to the bedside table.

Hanbin had left a note, medicine, and a glass of water for when Zhang Hao woke up. The thought of it all made Zhang Hao smile softly.

"Answer mine now bitch-", Taerae said but cut off by Zhang Hao hushing him, "Lord here this slut goes..."

Zhang Hao rolled his eyes and picked up the note reading it

"Hi Love, I had to take care of some things so I'm sorry if I couldn't wake up next to you. I left water and medicine I found in the bathroom cabinet on the bedside table and if you need anything else please text me and let me know. Also text me and let me know when you're awake i'll probably be too busy to call, I'm sorry :("

Zhang Hao smile only grew reading it but it immediately dropped upon realization, "HE'S TOO FUCKING PERFECT"

"Well no shit sherlock, He sounded fine as hell too. You took too fucking long to read so now you'll have to tell me everything in the car", Taerae said grabbing his keys off the dresser and walking out the door.

"Wait where are we going? I'm not even dress-", Zhang Hao said in panick.

"Put anything on for now, we are going to the mall and then out tonight. You can't say no because it's Saturday and I don't care if I have to pick you up out of that bed myself and dress you..", Taerae said.


And that's how they ended up in the mall.
Zhang Hao ended up telling Taerae everything in the car. He was beyond shocked about it all and all he's been talking about is wanting to see Hanbin face to see if he's cute.

Right now, they were in a store looking for something to wear since Taerae said there was a club he wanted to attend. It was a new hot spot and apparently a lot of people attended including fine men. Zhang Hao would have said no, even after taking the medicine he was still in a bit of pain but he wouldn't leave Taerae to go alone so here he was.

They shopped and shopped not even caring about prices to be honest. It wasn't until Taerae brought up the recording that Zhang Hao started to realize he was spending a lot more than usual.

"Bitch how much did you make last night for you to even be buying shit back to back like that?", Taerae questioned looking at a few shirt on a rack.

"That's actually.... a great question. I never even thought about it actually. Let me check", Zhang Hao said pulling out his phone and scrolling.

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