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The kiss was soft, sweet, and filled with so much unknown emotions. Unknown emotions that Zhang Hao were desperately trying to figure out. As Zhang Hao kissed back, he tried to search for these emotions in the kiss but nothing was coming to him.

"Did he love Jiwoong?", he asked himself as he let his hand grip on to Jiwoong's shirt. Jiwoong deepened the kiss not giving him any time to think about it and he felt himself moan from it.

The kiss was slowly becoming rough and the both of them let sounds of pleasure leave their lips. Jiwoong's hand grabbed Zhang Hao's neck gently deepening the kiss and he let his tongue slide against Zhang Hao's lower lip asking for an entrance.

"Do I love Jiwoong?", he continued to think as he let Jiwoong's tongue enter his mouth. There tongues danced in sync as Jiwoong gently laid him back on the couch. He let out another soft moan as he felt Jiwoong's hand go up his shirt and hold his waist. His hand travelled to cup Jiwoong's face and the kiss grew soft again. Jiwoong pulled away and let his kisses go down Zhang Hao's neck.

The question repeated in his head as Jiwoong did these things to him but the only things that left his lips were moans. He bit his lips and let one of his hands grab Jiwoong's hair as he sucked on his neck. Zhang Hao was turned on at this point. The question simply fading away leaving only the word "love" replaying in his mind.

"Hanbin...", Zhang Hao moaned out and Jiwoong completely halted his actions.

"...What did you just call me?", Jiwoong said with a voice that sounded like nothing other than disbelief.

"I-", Zhanghao said in a soft voice but was quickly cut off.

"Zhang Hao......"
"I didn't mean to-"

"What did you call me?", Jiwoong said. He sounded so angry and confused. Zhang Hao couldn't even blame him at this point.

"I'm not repeating that...", Zhang Hao said as he sat up.

"No go ahead... please say that again. Give me a reason to walk away from you", Jiwoong said the last sentence being emphasized.

"Walk away from me?", Zhang Hao questioned desperately wanting to know what that meant.

"Yea... exactly what I said. You just called me 'Hanbin' and you expect me to fucking stay here? He doesn't do anything for you and you sit up here and you call me his name-"

"You don't know what he does for me"

"So go ahead and tell me baby.. Tell me what he does for you that I don't?"

Silence. Zhang Hao sat in silence yet again and did it out of protection for Hanbin. He refused to ruin that man's name but he also refused to let anybody drag it through the mud.

"See.. he does nothing-", Jiwoong spat.
"He does everything!", Zhang Hao yelled back.

"So tell me what it is.. and i'll go Zhang Hao... I'll leave you alone forever. Is it money..?"

"Why the fuck would I need his money-"

"Is it emotional support because if so he isn't doing it correctly... I'm the one here right now comforting you when you cry", Jiwoong said as he glared down at Zhang Hao but that glare turned into a face of shock as thought of something else. "..He gives you sex? Is that what it is?"


"So you're fucking a ceo... wow Zhang Hao.. a taken one..", Jiwoong said in disbelief.

"You don't know what you're talking about"
"You didn't say no... so it's true? You're fucking him?"

Again silence and by now Jiwoong had caught onto why he was being so silent. It pissed him even more that Zhang Hao was trying to protect him.

"...and you protect him...", his tongue poked at the inside of his cheek. "You protect him when I'm the only one who actually cares..."

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