Chapter 6.

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 Thea didn't think she had ever been more nervous in her life... well maybe that was a lie, but right now, it could be the truth. She had woken up early, going about her day with ginger moves and pauses to make room for her worried thoughts. Now it was around eleven thirty, they would leave at twelve, and Thea was standing in the rowdy crowd of teens that ranged from different ages. She felt a nudge in her side, only this time it seemed on purpose, so she turned to see who it was. Charlotte smiled widely and Thea tried to return it.

"You're on the verge of a panic attack, aren't you?" She joked, but in her eyes there was a deep set concern. That made Thea laugh and she found it was something she desperately needed.

"Aw, well you know me with new places... Remember on the boat?"

"Course I do, that was like, four days ago." Charlotte rolled her eyes. Thea sighed, letting her sister take her hand in hers. Four days and I'm still non-stop worrying, She thought to herself. "Speaking of... only a few days and you look ready to swoon every time Joey goes near you." Charlotte teased, whispering into her ear. Thea felt herself go beat red, her face and neck uncomfortably hot.

"Uh- no! No, I'm not swooning!" she hissed, swatting Charlotte's hands away as she laughed. Thea glared at her, wanting to be angry with her.

"You so are!" Charlotte smirked.

"Whatever!" Thea huffed, facing forward again.

Saved by the counsellors finally all being there, Thea spotted hers standing close by. Emilia and Olive seemed to be in deep conversation, while Sarah chatted with another counsellor near them.

"Okay, everybody!" one of the oldest counsellors called to the crowd and everybody quieted after a moment. "I'm gonna call our counsellors names and then you're gonna go to the ones you were assigned to yesterday! They will give you further instruction."

"Maria, Jessy and Peter. Your group is point A!" the woman called, pointing at an area to her left. She continued this, until a small circle began to form and the crowd started to thin out.

"Sarah, Emilia and Olive, right there!" she finally said and Thea's heart jumped into her throat knowing now she had to go and follow them. She waited a few seconds, until some other kids were walking out of the crowd before she followed. They were in front of a tree, one that had branches that dipped down low, but was almost hollow inside.

"Oh, let's go under the tree." Sarah hummed with a smile, kids beginning to file under it.

"Oh, uh, Sarah, we aren't-"

"It's fine, Liv." Emilia went under as well and Olive followed with a sigh. Thea went under, standing on the thinned outside as the group formed a wonky crescent moon around the oldest three.

"Alright!" Olive clapped her hands together with a welcoming smile. "We are going-"

"To introduce ourselves!" Sarah interrupted, bubbly and excited, and Thea wasn't even sure she knew she was being rude by doing so. Olive pursed her lips as Sarah did and glanced at Emilia, who looked a little lost on what to do.

"After we get to the community centre." Olive said, holding her hands together, but tighter than before.

"Oh, but Hun, where's the fun in that? We could do it here." Sarah frowned.

"They asked us to wait, Sarah, besides, they can talk on the way into town if they want." Emilia said firmly, as Thea noticed Olive's eye twitch a little. Olive seemed rather patient, was according to Finnick, but Sarah really seemed to irk her. She watched Olive for a moment, as Emilia whispered in Sarah's ear, before turning to Sarah. Sarah seemed sweet, was so far, and had that classic older lady that wants to have fun and be hip kind of vibe. She seemed very out of place next to Olive and Emilia. Sarah had pink capris and a watching sports tank top, her wavy hair pulled up in a pony tail and those silver diamond earrings that everyone seemed to have. She was bright and out there, while Olive and Emilia were more underrated. Emilia had black jean shorts on, a black Nirvana shirt from their live in nyc, black converse and her shoulder length black hair pulled back in a low ponytail. Olive had her long straight blonde hair down, black sporty shirts and a white off the shoulder t-shirt. Sarah's was bright, theirs wasn't. Sarah was bubbly and extroverted in a 'calm down please' way, while they were genuinely enjoyable. Maybe Thea was being quick to judge, but she had a feeling that she wouldn't like Sarah and would favour the younger women.

"Anyways." Olive smiled and Emilia nudged Sarah when she tried to talk again. "We're gonna head down to the community centre, and there is where we'll explain everything." she motioned for everyone to start following her, as her and Emilia matched paces. They guided them past the groups, though some had already left and as they did, Thea saw Joey look at her. She smiled at him, giving him a small wave and he grinned at her. 'Turn around' she mouthed to him as they continued to walk away. 'You first" he mouthed back and she bit her lip, to stop herself from laughing as she did. 

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