Chapter eight.

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   "Why is everyone gathered like that?' Thea wondered aloud as she went up to the table her friend group was currently occupying.

"Jesus Thea, have you been living under a rock?" Felicity gaped at her, before shoving her phone in Thea's face. Thea took the phone handed to her without looking, because she was busy looking at Felicity with a raised brow.

"I saw you all last night, how much could I have missed?" Thea rolled her eyes, before looking around at the tables where there were many kids gathered. Felicity scoffed at her as Charlotte took a sip of her juice and Finnick turned the page of his book.

"God, Thea! Just read the damn thing!" Felicity whined, letting her hands fall against the table. Thea huffed at her tone.

"Alright, alright, I will." Thea grumbled as she looked down at the screen in her hand. It was off. She handed it back to Felicity, or rather shoved it, purely for the effect of being petty. She was tired and had no interest in dealing with Felicity at the moment. "It's off." she stated the obvious and Felicity glared at her.

"Yeah, because you took too long to even look at it!" she groaned. She started tapping at her phone and as she did, Thea took more notice of the rushed voices that carried through the cafeteria, even reaching back down to the first floor.

"Can someone just tell me what happened?" Thea looked back to her group and Joey went to talk, but was beaten by Finnick who didn't even look up.

"A woman was attacked last night in town." he flipped another page. Thea gaped at him, not having expected that to be what he would say.

"What?" she blinked, her hands falling to her side as she looked at him stunned.

"That's horrible." she frowned and she saw Charlotte nod from the corner of her eye.

"At least we didn't know her." Felicity sighed.

"Don't, Felicity, she survived." Joey said darkly, throwing a stern look in her direction. Thea put a hand on his shoulder.

"It's still horrible." she muttered as she took another glance around the cafeteria. It no longer seemed like normal chatter, now that she knew it was probably all about the woman.

"Do they know who did it?"

"Clueless from what I've heard. But at least they think it was a one off." Felicity shrugged. She looked up from her phone then, scanning the group for a reaction. Nobody gave one. Thea took the phone as it was handed to her, finally on and loaded. 

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