Chapter seven.

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  Time felt like it was going unbearably fast for Thea. It had already been two weeks since she started her volunteer job and it was easy work for the most part. Every now and then she would have to do real work, like figure out exactly how much of something they would need and by what day and time. Other than that, the consellers never made anyone do much. For the most part, she would just play games with the other kids assigned to the job, coming out of her shell a bit. It was the most extroverted thing she had done since she started to become friends with her almost official friend group. She even found herself talking with Olive and Emilia. They were pretty close to the campers' ages, being twenty and twenty one, respectively. Maya was also in her group, and would say hi and make polite small talk. Thea liked her for, since just having someone talk to her calmed her nerves a lot.

They had been working for a while, a few staying back to finish the task at hand even though they were free to go. Thea was one of those, deciding that if she didn't help finish the boxes being organised, it would bother her. Sarah was walking around and making a fuss at everyone, not wanting them to hurt themselves with the boxes, while Olive and Emilia rolled their eyes at her.

"Okay-" Emilia went to speak, making Thea jump slightly since she was right next to her and hadn't been expecting the noise. Olive looked at her amused, before their attention was grabbed by Sarah interrupting.

"OH! Look at the time, alrighty, get going kids. You still have a little time to get out if you hurry! Bye-Bye!" Sarah said as she grabbed her bag and water bottle and started to leave the hall, with a few following her. Olive sighed, while Emilia just shook her head.

"She really likes to talk over you two, doesn't she?" Thea hummed, leaning forward slightly as she watched Sarah disappear around a corner.

"Oh my god- yes! I feel like I can never get more than a word in." Olive huffed.

"At least she lets you have that much, she won't even let me say anything. She hates me." Emilia leaned against the wall behind them.

"I don't think she hates you, it just seems more like she's over excited?" Thea's voice upturned at the end, making it seem like a question. Emilia and Olive laughed, which made Thea laugh as well.

"She's definitely something." Olive nodded with a smile. Then, the double doors opened and someone walked in. Thea turned and smiled widely when she saw who it was.

"Joey!" she uncrossed her arms as she went over to him. Olive and Emilia glanced at each other and then the duo.

"Hey, Thea." He smiled at her, before his eyes trailed over to Olive and Emilia who were watching, his smile fading. "I hope I'm not interrupting?"

"No, no, of course not." Olive said. Joey smiled again.

"Mind if I steal you?" he asked Thea, making her smile dip slightly as it became closer to her unguarded and natural ones, the ones she always thought were dorky.

"Not at all." She hummed and went to grab her bag, which was conveniently next to Emilia. She picked it up, facing away from Joey and as she did, Emilia raised a brow at her before giving a slight nod to him. She felt her face heat up as she pursed her lips. Giving no obvious answer, she turned and went over to Joey again.


"Yep." she popped the 'p' as she said it and Joey offered his hand. She took it, feeling the heat spread in her face. A small smile played on her lips as they left the community centre.

"So, where are we going?" Thea asked, looking up at Joey as they walked down the sidewalk. He glanced down at her, before smiling as he looked back up.

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