Chapter 1: how?

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Spencer has been working at Smosh since 2014 as a crew member, then he becomes director for Smosh games in 2022, so you can say he knows how to do things with the camera, and he knows how to act. But what if he starts acting differently from what people are used to?

"Alrighty, everyone meet our new cast member" it felt so surreal to Spencer, after years of grief, years of wondering if it was his fault, years of wondering where the hell he was. "Hi, my name is Owen, thank you so much for this opportunity."

Everyone introduced they're selves except Spencer. He was just sitting there, he couldn't talk even if he tried. "It's been a while.... Hasn't it.." 'what the hell? How? How is he here? Why now?' Spencer felt as if he was gonna cry.. "yeah.. it has.." he was going through all of the emotions. Anger, sadness, relief, confusion, happiness, all of them. "You two know each other?" Spencer ignores Anthony's question. "Why? Why are you here?" He sounded so mad. The tone is his voice was a tone no one, cast or crew, has ever heard from Spencer. "I'm sorry Spence, I couldn't tell you" "we need to talk. Privately."

This was nothing anyone has ever seen. Normally Spencer was a pretty laid back guy who really didn't care about anything like this. It was shocking to see him so mad...

The first chapter is doneee, it was really short, but I wanted it to end on a cliff hanger 😋 I honestly don't know if I'll keep writing this 😭

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