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I waited outside the campus entrance, my fingers tapping against my thigh as I watched cars drive by. My phone buzzed, and I looked to see a text message light up my screen.

"My bad, I'm on my way."

I replied, "Hurry up, or I'm leaving."

A text notification rang, and I took another peek.

"Sheesh, bossy much?"

I rolled my eyes. "Don't text and drive, idiot."

"Love that you care xoxo."

I scoffed at the message and slipped my phone back into my pocket. I idled around, watching students move in and out of the campus. I awkwardly dawdled some more while I waited for Sylus. I watched a group of friends bellow and banter with each other, and I felt a twinge of jealousy rise in me. I never fit in with certain crowds. I always struggled to have friends in high school. Sylus was my only friend, only because we grew up next door to each other and hung out every day. But now, with him attending another college, I'm more isolated than ever.

I hated being different, but I was. I wasn't cool like the sorority girls or athletic like the girls on the track team. I was just me—an average girl who excelled in regular education and had no friends besides Sylus.

I heard a Mustang's familiar low rumble and saw Sylus pull up to the sidewalk in his obnoxiously bright red convertible. He jerked his head toward the car so I could hop in. I heard a series of chatter and whispering behind me; some girls were swooning.

I awkwardly stepped in and sat shotgun while they murmured, probably wondering why some dork like me was with him. I turned to him, "Sylus, your car is so obnoxious." My face scrunched up in disgust.

"Sorry, my dad really wanted me to have it," he shrugged and gave me a lopsided smile.

He stepped on the gas, and we began speeding past the campus. I watched his dark burgundy hair fluttering in the wind, his light hazel eyes watching the road. The dragon tattoo on his neck glistened in the sun. Sylus was handsome in ways most men are not. He could have been a model, truly a lady killer. But he'd told me being in the media could put a target on him. I never knew what he meant by that.

"Falling in love?" he taunted.

I blushed and looked away. "Ew, no."

"Dang, and I thought I had you there."

"Fuck off," I retorted, playfully hitting his arm.

"I'm all yours whenever you're ready," he returned with a cocky grin.

I rolled my eyes and punched him again. "I'm driving here, Indigo!" he exclaimed.

I stuck my tongue out at him as he laughed.

This was our normal routine—Sylus always playfully flirting with me while I shot him down every time. He wasn't serious; I knew that. Someone like him would never really want to be with someone like me. Sometimes, it felt like he was obligated to be my friend just because we'd been friends for so long.

"Do you know the woman your dad married?" he asked.

I shook my head. "Nope."

"You're moving in with them in two days, right?"

I let out a sigh. "Yeah, but only because Mom's moving back to Wisconsin. Grandma can't really take care of herself now that Granddad is gone."

He hummed thoughtfully before asking another question. "You met your step-brother at least?"

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