I Heard You (Travis' version)

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Travis' viewpoint of "I Heard You" - Major Fluff

I smiled as I sent the last text to Taylor. I loved the trust and respect we had for each other. Taylor had limited off time while the tour was on a break, so I wanted to spend as much time with her as possible. She had gone to all my games so far and we'd spent a lot of "nights in" just being together. When Mercole suggested a poker night, I was a bit conflicted. It wasn't like I needed to ask for "permission", but I knew Chariah would be there, so I decided to invite Taylor. I loved that she was comfortable with me just hanging out with my friends in general. She only one time she pouted in most sexy way to keep me home with her when she first got off the tour, which I gladly did, and had the most amazing night together.

"All good? Taylor taggin' along?" Pat asked as I grabbed my equipment bag to take to my car.

"Nah. She's sittin' this one out. She's been working around the house, unpacking boxes, and shit." I started as I stuffed my phone in his pocket. "She's exhausted."

"You still coming to Mercoles'?" Pat asked with smirk, knowing that of late I would sometimes ditch hanging with guys to be with Taylor. No one faulted me; everyone loved Taylor; they understood that she would be back on tour soon and we wouldn't see each other for many weeks after that.

"Fuck yeah" I announced. "I'll be over there in a bit; give you all a lesson the poker humility." I joked, smacking Pat on the shoulder with a broad grin and laughter. Pat just smirked as we walked towards the players parking area.


I threw my equipment bag in the back of my trusty GMC Terrain. While not the most expensive car in my garage, it was the one that made me feel the most "normal." I chuckled to myself remembering when Tay and I decided we wanted to work on a section of the backyard that Tay felt needed some more color. As we talked about it, I told her we could mention it to the landscapers that came to the house every week. I had made it a point to make sure we had the right plants and shrubs around the pool area to guarantee our privacy, so the local guy we hired was really great. But then Tay and said "Why don't we just do ourselves? I mean the planters are there, they are just empty."

"You want to go to the Lowes down the road.... just you and me?" I asked skeptically. "Why not? Let's test the waters around her and see what we can get away with? If gets too crazy, we can leave." Taylor smiled plainly. I just stared at her, I continued to ponder the idea.

So, we went to the local home improvement store and picked up a bunch of plants and gardening stuff, driving the GMC Terrain to be more inconspicuous. Taylor put on a baseball cap and sunglasses, with a pair of shorts and a simple t-shirt, and her favorite well-worn sneakers. I was similarly dressed in casual attire. For anyone not looking closely we looked like any other young couple shopping. We were there for almost 2 hours, and no one noticed us.... or at least if they did, no one said anything.

It was a wonderful time for Tay...she loved going up and down the aisles looking at all the stuff. She even went up to a salesperson and asked about a fan she saw hanging in the lighting department. Turned out it was a special order item and Tay went and ordered it with the salesperson. The woman helping Tay was super chill and didn't even pat an eyelash when Taylor gave her information.

"Why don't we put this under a different name so.... you know, people won't.... bother you?" The female salesperson suggested. Tay smiled and nodded knowing this was part of the way she had to live. Order placed, the woman – Jessica – said it would take about a week to come in. I thanked Jessica and we went on our way, with my arm around Taylor, her head on my shoulder as we exited the building to go home with our gardening supplies.

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