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   Avanelle awoke to the warmth her bed provided her and the sound of rummaging through drawers. Immediately she opened her eyes and sat up—this time not feeling any sharp pain and uncomfortable soreness—and peered in the direction of what she thought to be a pauper who had some how snuck past the palace's sentries and high security.

   The windowless room had offered her a dim lit environment, the only source of light being from her bed side lamp, causing her to squint at the supposed "pauper".

   She instead, was presented with the sight of the quirky help who she had met the previous day—or night—before. She was too tired and confused from her recent coma to remember.

   "What are you doing?" She mumbled, loud enough for Emeryn to hear. The copper-haired woman quickly turned and stood in shock at Avanelle.

"When I came in you were sound asleep. It was as if you were in a stupor!" Emeryn let out a breath of relief "I found it impossible for you to wake so quickly from a state that was as if you were lifeless! I even tripped on the carpet and fell straight on my face and you didn't even move an inch."

Avanelle's eyes scanned her up at down. "Are you looting from the keep?" Her eyes darted to the drawer that was open, and Emeryn's hands that were buried inside.

Emeryn looked at her with a face of offense, "You accuse me to be a thief?"

Avanelle didn't respond. Her face spoke for itself.

"I am not a thief, your highness! I am gathering the perfect scents and herbs for your bath that is currently being ran in your bathing quarters!" Emeryn face turned pink and Avanelle was taken aback. She looked at the vanity's desk to see indeed was small, dainty bottles of soaps and trays of various herbs sitting on top.

Avanelle gulped and looked away, a wave of awfulness clouding her thoughts. "My apologies."

"It's..okay, my lady," Emeryn muttered and closed the drawer before once more saying "I just don't appreciate being named a thief for every action I do simply because I am a lady's maid."

Avanelle frowned. "My apologies." She said once again, this time more direct and with eye contact.

Emeryn bowed her head and marched over to the bathing room with the scents and herbs in her hands. "You can enter your bath whenever you would like, just be in mind that the temperature is difficult is reserve as time passes."

Avanelle frowned fell back on top of her pillow, staring up at the ceiling and feeling the most awful ever before.

Once Avanelle felt ready, she entered her bath—which was perhaps rather cool than she had anticipated—and sampled all of the soaps Emeryn had provided for her before deciding upon only a few out of the wide selection.

Emeryn had left the room to give Avanelle her privacy, including the words to "Chitter for chatter" if needed. Avanelle didn't even consider the offer.

After washing herself, Avanelle called Emeryn to the bathroom for help drying and once she was dried and covered in a plush soft robe, the two exited the room.

Avanelle nearly reentered her coma when she saw the rack of dresses standing in her already compact bedroom. "What is this?" Avanelle asked, staring at the clothing in awe. Neither one of these gowns were of the same nature like the one she had worn the day she met with Zephon and the royal council. No, these ones were simpler, but more flourishing and lively.

"Dresses for you to pick from because believe it or not, wearing a robe out in the Keep is quite disrespectful." Emeryn teased, walking to the rack and spinning it to showcase the other dresses that were out of Avanelle's view.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03 ⏰

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