Chapter 2: Acceptance Letter?

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After the pink haired guy left, I look at the photo of my mom on my desk. I pick it up and feel my eyes burn with tears. I miss her so much. One day I will have my chance to be just like her, the famous celestial wizard, Layla Heartfilia.

I pull myself back together and I make some chocolate mint tea and prepare to relax for the rest of the day. I lay back on my Brown couch and open up the latest issue of Wizard Monthly Magazine.

"Erza killed another Cyclops; Mira Jane got more bathing suit photos published. It must be nice being so talented and gorgeous," I sigh with a heavy heart.

I go into my bedroom and to my dresser and open the top drawer. I pull out a gold ring with a silver key on it. I hold it in front of my face, feeling frustrated. Everyone makes it out to be so simple, but no one will teach me. How am I supposed to become great when I can't use magic? Mom couldn't teach me anything before she died because I was too young. I ran away from home because Dad banned magic after Mom was gone.

"What am I supposed to do?" Again, I was on the verge of tear at the thought of my mom.

A knock on the door breaks me from my trance and causes me to jump out of my skin.

"Again?" I ask aloud.

I walk to the door, crack it, and peek out. There is nothing. I open the door all the way.

"Hello?" I step outside.

"Up here!" I hear a voice above my head.

I look up and don't expect what I saw. "It is a letter... with wings?" I mumble to myself.

"Yes, I am!" it yells at me, "Is that a problem?"

"No, no, I've just never seen one before." I continue to look up in awe. "Can I help you?"

"Yea, are you Lucy Heartfilia?" it demands.

"Y-yes," I answer reluctantly, thinking it must be from my father.

"Good, that makes this easier. I'm from the highly prestigious Fairy Tail School of Wizardry. You been accepted to participate and learn in this school on a scholarship," the letter says, acting superior to me.

"But I never applied?" I question, thoughtfully.

"Are you honestly going to turn down this opportunity because you didn't apply? This is the best wizarding school in the world," the letter snaps rudely at me, making me flinch.

I give in. "I want to go."

"Then why are you standing here and not packing?" he says getting in my face.

I turn and run inside. I pack up all my clothes, my key, and the photo of my mom. I throw it all in the suitcase I brought when I ran away from home. When I go back outside the letter spits a piece of paper at me.

"Be there by tomorrow morning," he says and then flies away.

I am speechless. "M-morning?"

I look down at the paper the letter gave me. It turned out to be a ticket, a train ticket to the town of Magnolia. I start to walk down the path through the forest to the closet village to catch the train.

"HELP!" I hear a tiny squeak from in the trees.

I drop my bag and run to find a baby bird that had fallen from its nest.

"Are you okay?" I ask, my voice thick with worry.

"Can you put me back, please. My mommy told me to not try and fly but I didn't listen and fell out.

I gently pick up the small brown bird and put it back in the nest as the mom flies up.

"Thank you!" she squeals, "I'm so sorry to trouble you. I told him not to try and fly."

I smile and reply, "It's not a problem, I love to help."

I then walk back and grab my suitcase to continue my journey to Magnolia.

The village is definitely small. Everyone seems to know everyone, but it's villages like this that slows life and makes it worth the while. I smile and the elders say hello to me and as the children run by playing kick the ball. The town was so small that there wasn't many cars and only one farmers' market to buy fresh food daily.

I slowly make my way to the station. The train station is small and old, made of wood. There is a short, plumb man with a mustache in a booth who I show my ticket to before entering the station.

"Thank you," he says, giving off a creepy smile as he gestures to inside the wooden structure.

I wearily smile back, "Thanks."

I push open the doors as I take a deep breathe. I feel like this is a new start for me. I will become as great as my mom, maybe even better.

I look around for an empty bench; i find one to my left. I drag myself and my suit case toward it.

After I sit, I look at the ticket.


I look around for a clock. There is one behind me on the wall.


With those fifteen minutes to spare, I study the ticket.

To: Mongolia Train Station; Number 3

From: Maple Grove Train Station

Departure Time: 2:45

Arrival Time: 4:35

Car: B

"Where are you headed, Ms. Lucy?" a familiar, annoying voice asks. I turn to see the pink hair boy from earlier.

"To Magnolia," I reply with a forced smile and as sweetly as I can.

"Really? Me too," Natsu says with a giant smile that makes my heart melt and blood to boil in my cheeks.

I look the other direction so he can't see my face. "But where are your bags and where is Happy?"

"Happy is already there, and what do I need bags for?" he replies as if I'm stupid.

"How are you going to have clothes? And how is he there already?" I reply, finally turning my head back towards him.

"He has wings and I live in Magnolia," Natsu answers like a smart ass.

"Oh." I look at the ground not knowing what to do now. I look back at him and then it hits me. "How the hell does Happy have wings? And if you live all the way in Magnolia, then why did you come all the way here for my help?" I question believing he is bluffing.

"I don't really know why he has wings, he was just born that way. And I came here looking for you because I heard there was a wizard that could talk to animals here. I couldn't find one back in Magnolia," he says, sounding irritated.

"Oh, sorry," I mumble, looking back at the ground.

I hear a loud rustling noise as a train pulls into the station. I look back at the clock to see if it was my train.


Close enough. The conductor comes out the train and yells, "All aboard! To Magnolia! All aboard!"

I grab my suit case and stand.

"What car are you in?" Natsu asks, standing too.

"B, you?" I ask back, trying to be polite but get to the train.

"Damn. I'm in car F. I guess I'll just have to find you when I get off the train," he gives me that smile of his and I can't help but smile back.

"Is it beautiful there?" I ask, now not wanting to leave him.

"Magnolia? Yea. If you wait for me, I'll show you around."

"It's a date," I say and head towards the train, giving him a big smile and wave.

I board the train and find my seat and blush to myself, finally realizing what I had said.

I smack my forehead. "Date? I called it a date? I'm so stupid." I lean my head on the window and catch the last glance of my home.

And just like that I am off to continue my journey to Magnolia.

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