Chapter 5: Master?

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"Shouldn't we be heading to class soon?" I say looking at my watch.
Natsu stops eating mid chew and looks at me, then the clock, and back to me.
"Crap," Natsu swallows and grabs my wrist. "We're going to be late."
"What?! I can't be late on my first day!" I squeal in response. I grab my bag as Natsu pulls me out of my seat and Juvia trails us. We run all the way back to class.
We bust through the doors, making an overly dramatic enternce.
I guess that's Natsu for you.
Mirajane tells us, as we walk in, to go for a student board meeting in the auditorium. We rush there.
As we enter, Gray stands, seeming rather angry.
"Fight me, Natsu!" He yells from across the room .
"Uhh," I mumble.
Natsu releases my wrist, a smile spreading on his face.
Everyone was fighting eachother, the room was chaos.
"Not today. And put some clothes on."
Gray stalks toward us.
A tall tanned man with white hair runs toward us and simultaneously, Gray and Natsu punch him, knocking him back.
They knocked him out that easily?
I stare at the large man now lying uncontious.
"Mirajane!" I scream, seeing another uncontious body beneath the brute. I small, thin, pale, white haired girl with a familiar face.
A hard body knocks into my back and I scream as the body falls on top of me.
I hear Natsu chuckle.
The body lifts off of me.
"Give me back my underwear!"
I scream and cover my eyes to avoid looking at Gray, naked.
Gray turns to me and says, "Excuse me but may I borrow your underwear?"
"Absolutely not," I respond and slap him.
"Alright you guys, I suggest you knock it off," I hear a voice say from across the room.
I look to the direction of the voice and see I tanned brunette sitting on a desk, holding a card between two fingers.
Gray spreads his legs shoulder width apart for a stronger stance, his arms held out in front of him and smirks, "Oh yeah?"
"I'm ready for you," Natsu said as flames envoloping his fist.
A giants foot slams between the three. A deep voice growls, "Will you fools quit bickering like children?!" A demand, not a question.
"He's huge!" I scream.
Everyone freezes.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know you were still here, Master," Mirajane's voice fills the scilence.
"Did she say 'Master?'" I mumble to myself.
Natsu starts laughing. "You guys are acting like a bunch of babies. Think I'm going to stop because-"
The giant foot squashes him.
I squeal.
"Well, is she the new recruit?" The giant growls at me.
"Y-yes sir!" I respond quickly.
The giant starts to scream and shrink. I scream too.
When the giant stops shrinking, he is as tall as my waist. It takes a moment for me to stop screaming.
"Nice to meet you," the tiny says, his whiskers embracing his smile. He had on a floppy, stripped, orange and blue hat, a orange jacket, orange pants, brown pointy shoes, and white shirt with a black symbol on it.
The Fairy Tail symbol.
"He's tiny!" I yell at Mirajane, who just smiles in response. "You mean this little guy I really in charge here?" I inquire.
"Of course he is," Mira continues to smile. "Let me introduce to you the Fairy Tail school master, Makarov."
Makarov backflips on the teachers desk but hits the edge. When he recuperates he stands a clears his throat, gathering the attention of the students.
"You've gone and done it again you bunch of clods. Just take a look at how much paper work the Magic Counsel sent me this time. This is the biggest pile if complaints yet. Have you lost your minds? All you kids are good for is getting the higher ups mad at me."
All the students look toward the floor as the anger radiates off of Makarov.
All I can do is stare at him in awe.
"However," the paper erupts into flames, "I say 'to heck with the Magic Counsel.'" He throws the fire and Natsu catches it, in his mouth, and... eats it?
"Now listen up. Any hour that surpasses reason, comes from reason, right? Magic isn't some kind of miraculous power, it is a talent that only works when the flow of energy inside of us and the flow of energy in the natural world are in perfect synchronization. To preform magic, one must have a strong mind and the ability to focus. It should take over your being and come pouring out of your soul. If all we do is worry about following rules, then our magic will never progress. Don't let those blow hearts on the Counsel scare you, follow the path you believe in," I feel I smile creep onto my face. "Cause that's what makes the Fairy Tail school number one!"
Everyone raises their right hand and point to the sky making a gesture that we, Fairy Tail, are number one. I joined them, showing I belong to them now, to their family, to Fairy Tail.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2016 ⏰

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