You lay on your bed. The only significant thing you learnt yesterday was you had two classes with Wednesday and one with Enid. You also had art with that boy that Wednesday talked to this morning, but you ignored everyone in your class in art so that was more of just an observation. You slowly sit up and stretch, looking over to see the time was 6:00 am. You groan and flop back down. You should get up but your bed is so much more comfy than your hardwood floor. Breakfast was at 8 for Ophelia Hall so you had a full 2 hours to burn. You sigh as you sit up again and exit the safety of your bed.
'I should probably make a workout schedule' you think as you change out of your pj's into workout gear. You made it a point to stay in the same state you were in due to the war. Not in like a complete 'oh I must be able to rip someone's face off at a moment's notice' which would be useful. More in a 'art stuff is heavy and knowing I can carry it without help makes me feel better,' way. Also, you're not cut for how much you can eat so you get to set up a healthy eating system. Which you never thought you would be able to do at one point. Food stability is so underrated till you don't have it any more.
You decided to just go for a run around Nevermore. Mainly the forest areas. Made life easier and you're not in the mood to do anything more extreme. So you go for an hour and a half run. As you're walking back you hear some music being played. You look up to hear it coming from the balcony. Most likely Wendsdsays and Enid's. 'do I fly up? Will I get in trouble for flying? Nahhhhh.' With that, you flout your ass up to see Wednesday playing a cello? You're not the best with musical instruments. She looks up and meets your face, imminently stopping playing. She seems to be in slight shock that you're flying.
"Sorry, I just wanted to know who was playing," You say as you gracefully land on the railing of the balcony. Wednesday sets her cello? Sets her instrument down and stands up walking over to you. She says nothing but offers her hand in a way that would help you get down. You take it and she helps you off the railing.
"You play really well, what instirment?" You ask, finally meeting her dark eyes. 'Chaos... her eyes are pretty,' You think.
"I play cello. You can fly?" She asks with her same emotionless face.
"Yeah, it's a general thing a Crystal can do... did I freak you out?" You are nervous to ask, you like Wednesday's company, more than you should, given the whole just met her.
"No it's fascinating," She says turning around and grabbing her cello. It makes you happy that you did not freak out your friend.
"That's good. If you have any questions you can ask me at breakfast. I've got to go have a shower,"
You made it to breakfast after Enid and Wednesday did. Took a little too long in the shower. You grab the toast on offer and smile at the slight of vegemite. You had grown to like the stuff as it survived pretty well during the war.
Your dad taught you how to eat it.
You slather on butter and then go over the top with vegemite. You sit down next to Wednesday.
"Y/N what's up with the markings?" Enid asked.
"Markings? AH! I used my powers in a significant way so my markings became visible, I'm too lazy to hide them," You had forgotten about your markings. They were second nature for you to see so you didn't bat an eye at them when you got changed into your school uniform.
"They look so cool!" Enid squeals and starts typing on her phone. You look at Wednesday. Exspecting questions. But she just looks at you with her same dead face and then turns away to eat her own breakfast.

Woe of the water
FanficYou, yes you, find yourself at Nevermore Academy. Where do you catch the interest of one Wednesday Addams. How will your magic ass survive?