Chapter 5: My whole world started to fall apart

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Jun's POV

Thankfully, I managed to find the washroom and went straight to one of its cubicles. I threw up all the contents of my stomach and felt acid on my throat which made me puke even further.

Then my world did not spin anymore and worst it became dark and silent.

Next time I knew, I was in my room laying on my bed with nothing but my briefs on.

"What the hell?" I asked no one and just continued laying there for a few more minutes with nothing but silence. Then everything that happened last night after my episodes in the wash room came rushing back to my head. I remembered everything and it made me regret that I am even alive at this very moment.

"I followed a stranger and invited him to my room?" I exclaimed in disbelief and it caused me to scream in panic.

No... No, No!. I said in denial.

A loud banging on my condo's door followed by the ringing of my doorbell stopped me from my panic attacks. I looked at it momentarily, puzzled about who the person was. I got down from the bed and stood up but my head is hurting like a hammer keeps on pounding it.

I swear I will not drink again!

The continuous banging and ringing of the doorbell made my head hurt even further. Deciding to stop the very impatient person from the other door I dragged myself towards it and quickly opened it. The glare of the sun made my eyes hurt so I squinted to recognize who the person was.

A very frantic-looking Justine revealed from the door with Joshua beside him.

He went inside without a word and directly went to my room, obviously looking for something. It turns out that he was looking for my phone, which is on my bedside table, for some reason.

I was proud of myself for being organized despite being drunk.

He then looked around looking for something else, and when he could not find it, he turned to my direction asking for it.

"Where's your laptop and tablet? "He asked impatiently.

"I left my laptop in Paris, and my tablet is in one of my suitcases," I answered, even if I was confused about what was happening. I noticed Joshua entering after staying by the door when he realized that this could take longer.

I returned my focus to Justine who was currently rummaging my suitcases. He exclaimed in relief when he found my tablet and hugged it for dear life. Then without a word walked towards the now sitting Joshua and handed my phone and tablet to him which the latter accepted without a word. Joshua looked at my direction and smiled apologetically.

Deciding that my headache is more important than them, I went to my kitchen and drank a glass of water. It made me feel better already. Then I rummaged through the counter to look for Tylenol to relieve me from this pounding headache. I found the bottle sitting at the end of the counter so I quickly opened it and drank a pill from it. Then I sighed and waited for it to take effect but realizing that it would not take effect instantly so I went back to the living room, feeling much better than earlier.

"Guys, what is happening here?" I wanted to understand their actions.

Justine ignored my question and went straight to the television across the sofa to examine it. He looked at me afterwards while holding its power cord.

"Is this working? Is it connected to a cable or internet?" he consecutively asked and waited for me to answer.

"I never used that, so I don't know," I answered and was about to lose my patience.

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