4 – Neo-colonial exploitative subservience of Cuban socialfascism towards Soviet social-imperialism
4.1 – Political consequences
Comrade Enver once accurately affirmed that:
"The Latin-American peoples cherished many hopes, had many illusions, aboutthe victory of the Cuban people, which became an inspiration and encouragementto them in their struggle to shake off the yoke of the local capitalist and landownerrulers and American imperialists. However, these hopes and this inspiration soonfaded when they saw that Castroite Cuba was not developing on the road ofsocialism but on that of revisionist-type capitalism, and faded even more quicklywhen Cuba became the vassal and mercenary of Soviet social-imperialism." (EnverHoxha, Imperialism and the Revolution, Tirana, 1979, edition in English)
"Castro is an anti-Marxist bound with Soviet chains." (Enver Hoxha, TheSuperpowers, 1986, edition in English)
In fact, as time passed, social-fascist Cuba became more and more subservient towardsSoviet social-imperialism. We have already explained the causes that made Castroistbourgeoisie abandon its former plans of independent nationalistic course in favor ofbecoming a pro-Soviet compradore class. We will only say that, with time, those causesintensified even more.
American imperialism enormously accentuated its pressures over Cuba and wasengaged in maneuvers with its Western capitalist allies to isolate Castroist regime. In 1962, as a result of American demands, Cuba was officially expelled from theOrganization of American States (OAS) and the embargo against it was extended:
"Upon his inauguration as President, in January of 1961, John F, Kennedy set outto gain the support of the Organization of American States, which he saw as aprerequisite to an effective embargo. He succeeded. At the 8th Meeting of the OASForeign Ministers, held a year later in January of 1962 at Punta del Este(Uruguay), Cuba was excluded from the Inter-American system and an armsembargo was imposed." (Lilia Ferro-Clerico & Wayne S. Smith, The US TradeEmbargo, 1988, edition in English)
Indeed, shortly after this, all American countries (with the exception of Mexico) cut offdiplomatic relations with Cuba fulfilling the desires of American imperialists, whojustified their efforts to isolate Castroist Cuba with hypocritical reasons, like saying that"Cuba was expelled from OAS because its Marxist-Leninist regime is incompatiblewith democratic principles" and other "arguments" of this kind. It is obvious thatneither Castroist Cuba had never anything to do with Marxism-Leninism; neitherfascist-bourgeois USA was in the least worried about democracy. American imperialistswere only using their fake concerns with "democracy" as a mask to hide the true reasonbehind Cuba's expulsion: through isolating Castroists, American imperialists wereattempting at weakening Soviet imperialist influence over Latin America. Until then,American bourgeoisie had been Latin America's absolute exploiters and rulers, butwhen Castroists put Cuba under Soviet control, American imperialists felt theirdominion over Latin America menaced, as Cuba could perfectly serve as an entrancedoor that Soviet imperialists would use to penetrate in the other Latin Americancountries. The fact that Castroist regime had succeed in depicting itself with"socialistic" colors that exerted (and still exert) great attraction over impoverished LatinAmerican workers was also a motive of great worry to American imperialists, speciallybecause they understood very well that behind Castroist efforts to "export Cubanrevolution" and to "defeat American imperialism" there was Soviet social-imperialismready to take over Latin America and to transform it into its neo-colony, thus deprivingAmerican imperialists of their profitable control over this continent. Americanbourgeoisie remembered what had happened with Cuba and didn't want the same tooccur anywhere else. That's why they struggled to weaken and isolate Castroist regimethrough all means, including by freezing all Cuban assets on US banks and byaggravating pressures against Cuba by imposing:
Down with cuban revisionism
Alteledecided and published by the Comintern (SH) on February 13, 2013 "The Cuban revolution did not begin on the basis of Marxism-Leninism and was not carried out on the basis of the laws of the proletarian revolution of a Marxist-Leninist party. After t...