3.1 – "Marxist-Leninist" credentials
As we had already stated, Castroist ideology is a branch of revisionism which was bornfrom the necessity of the Cuban pro-social-imperialist bourgeoisie to hide its tyrannicaland exploitative class rule under "socialistic" cloaks. Moreover, for the most part of itshistory, Castroist ideology also pretended to be "the ultimate expression of revolution inLatin American conditions". Its most correct name would perhaps be CastroismGuevarism, because Castroism is mainly constituted by the anti-communist ideas ofFidel Castro and Che Guevara, although there were other revisionist ideologues likeRegis Debray who also contributed to its development. However, for simplificationreasons, we will refer to it hereafter solely as "Castroism".In order to adequately understand the emergence of Castroism, we must note that Cuban"communist" movement had a long tradition of opportunist and revisionist ideologiesmust before Castro came into scene. After the victory of the October Revolution in1917, some communist groups of Cuba were created who welcomed and followed theline of Leninism. The Communist Party of Cuba was founded in 1925, and during itsfirst years it followed a correct line in accord with Stalinist directives of the formerComintern. During those first years, the CPC valiantly struggled against Batistadictatorship and against the American imperialists who supported it against the interestsCuban ultra-exploited working classes.The CP of Cuba – became member of the Comintern by decision of the VI WorldCongress of the Comintern. The CP of Cuba took part at the Comintern's Latin-American-Conference of Buenos Aires, in 1928/29. This Conference was helpful for thealignment of the "Bolshevization" of the CP of Cuba. In 1930/31 the Comintern createdits "Caribbean Bureau" in New York which was dissolved in the middle of the 30ies.
In March 1932, the South-American Bureau of the Comintern published aprogrammatic document called: "La lucha por el Leninismo en America Latina". In thisdocument was included the polemic letter of Stalin on the history of Bolshevism to theeditors of the magazine "Proletarskaja Revoljucija" and "Las Tareas de los PartidosComunistas en el Frente Ideológico".
It should be mentioned that, in autumn 1929, the CP of Cuba struggleduncompromisingly against the "right danger" and against the "reconciliators" in its ownranks. This struggle ended with a defeat because of the fact that the Comintern hadsuccessively dropped its Stalinist line in the middle of the 30ies. Many Stalinist leadersof the CP of Cuba were exchanged by the "Rightists". This period can therefore becalled as the historical root of Castro's social fascism – a consequence of the revisionistdecisions of the VII World Congress of the Comintern.
In preparation of the VII World Congress there was the notoriously famous"Conference of Montevideo" which took place in Moscow, October 1934. ThisConference was the basis for the liquidationalist revisionist line of the new "people'sfront policy of the Comintern.
So it was not by chance that the Comintern dissolved its special "Secretariat of LatinAmerica" in 1935 [founded in May-June 1928]. The dissolution was decided by the newrevisionist leadership of the Comintern.
In consequence, the CPC later adopted a reformist line that deviated the party from theinterests of Cuban toilers. This adoption of revisionism coincided with the sadly famous1935 VII Congress of the Comintern in which Dimitrov defended the abandonment ofStalinist principles in favor of a capitulationist strategy in face of capitalist-bourgeoisrevisionist parties, ideologies and classes with the false pretext of "combating nazifascism" by relying on the representatives of the socio-economic system that gives birthto that same nazi-fascism: capitalism-imperialism. Dimitrov's anti-socialist rightisttheories deny the essential independence that must exist between the proletarianMarxist-Leninist party and all non-communist forces, and eventually contributed to theseizure of power by revisionists not only in Soviet Union, but also in many othercountries. Not Stalin's teachings on social-fascism were the reason for the defeat of theanti-fascist front of unity, however its revisionist betrayal and withdrawal by Dimitrov.Not the bloc-building with the social-democrat leaders - 80 years ago - or with therevisionists and revisionists of today - can abolish the inevitability of fascism, howeveronly the dictatorship of the proletariat which is based on the violent overthrow of thedictatorship of the bourgeoisie by means of the socialist revolution of the proletariat.However, a thorough analysis of Dimitrov's revisionism is something that does notbelong to the scope of this article. Therefore, we will only state that the ascension ofDimitrov's bourgeois-capitalist ideas concurred with the ascension of Blas Roca to"C"PC's leadership. Blas Roca was a well known ideologue of Cuban revisionism (hewas even significantly called the Cuban "Browder") who never hesitated in puttingDimitrov's anti-socialist thesis into practice. The situation within the "C"PC was in totalaccord with comrade Stalin's wise words:
Down with cuban revisionism
Casualedecided and published by the Comintern (SH) on February 13, 2013 "The Cuban revolution did not begin on the basis of Marxism-Leninism and was not carried out on the basis of the laws of the proletarian revolution of a Marxist-Leninist party. After t...