5.1 – Replacing one social-imperialist, neo-colonialist and exploitativedomination by another
As we have observed, due to its neo-colonial exploitative subservience towards Sovietsocial-imperialism, Castroist Cuba had no economic independence and the qualitativestructure of its economy remain essentially the same of the openly colonial period: Cubaremained an exporter of agricultural products (mainly sugar) while it was forced toimport most of the equipment and consumption commodities, thus creating a growingeconomic subjugation relatively to its external "partners", and especially relatively tothe credits granted by social-imperialist Soviet Union.
Since the 1970's, sugar represented around 80% of Cuban exportations, and Cubancommercial balance suffers from a systematic deficit until nowadays (for example,between 1959 and 1976, Cuban external debt increased from US$ 105 to US$ 181millions, and since the 80's it has been exponentially increasing due to theintensification of imperialist penetration in the country. Today, social-fascist Cuba'sexternal debt towards world capitalism-imperialism and towards world banking/financebourgeois class reaches the value of US$ 27 billions – and these are only the officialCastroist numbers; the true figures are surely much higher. In fact, this figure does notinclude the massive debt that Castroist social-fascist bourgeoisie is accumulatingtowards Chinese social-imperialism and other imperialisms).
But with the disappearance of Soviet social-imperialism, Cuban sugar productionexperienced a decrease because of lack of economic structures and also due to the sharpprice fall of sugar within capitalist-imperialist bourgeois-dominated world "market".Therefore, in the 90's, sugar still represented a considerable part of Cuban exportations,but its production diminished from 6 millions of tons per year to 3 millions of tons peryear in the period between 1990 and 1998. By 2004, Cuban commercial balancesuffered from a deficit which was higher than ever before (in social-fascist Cuba, importations have always been superior to exportations, in 1964 these negative resultsin Cuban commercial balance were of US$ 0,3 billion and by 2004 it were of about US$2,8 billion – and we cannot forget that a country with a negative commercial balance isalso an indebted country. Therefore, as we have already explained, to have a negativecommercial balance was something unthinkable in Bolshevist Soviet Union or inSocialist Albania, whose commercial balances were always, systematically andinvariably positive thanks to their authentically socialist economy which allowed themto successfully defeat capitalist-imperialist-revisionist encirclement). Indeed, thissituation has been constantly aggravating since then, despite the new assets that tourismhas brought to Castroist Cuba. Indeed, tourist sector has become Cuba's main economicactivity since 1996, year in which tourism brought more income to Cuban economythan sugar production for the first time.
Indeed, since 1991, the only sector of Cuban economy to have positive results is the socalled "services' sector" linked with tourism. Nonetheless, these positive results are notenough to compensate the ruinous state of Cuban economy in all other sectors, andtherefore they are not enough to free Cuban commercial balance from systematicdeficit. And we must note than Cuban agriculture remains underdeveloped and thatCuban industry is almost inexistent (limited to a very few light industries linked withsugar production) – Castroist Cuba suffers from a total absence of heavy industry ofmeans of production (which is, not by chance, the most indispensable sector to constructgenuine socialism). This is a consequence of centuries of imperialist and socialimperialist exploitation and dominance which shaped Cuban economy in benefit of theirgreedy interests for profit maximization. Both in Bolshevist Soviet Union and inSocialist Albania, absolute priority was given to the establishment and development of adiversified industry of means of production able to ensure these countries'independence in face of capitalist-imperialist-revisionist encirclement, attacks andpressures. This development of the heavy industry of means of production is alsoessential even because through preventing capitalist-imperialist-revisionist economicinfiltration, it is simultaneously avoiding capitalist-imperialist-revisionist political,ideological and military infiltration. But as Castroist Cuba had never anything to dowith authentic socialist construction, after the fall of Soviet social-imperialist empire, itturned to other imperialist powers in order to keep its neo-colonial economyfunctioning.
Down with cuban revisionism
Randomdecided and published by the Comintern (SH) on February 13, 2013 "The Cuban revolution did not begin on the basis of Marxism-Leninism and was not carried out on the basis of the laws of the proletarian revolution of a Marxist-Leninist party. After t...