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"she's mine"

Elizabeth felt a shiver run down her spine as Kieran declared her as his. The room went quiet, all eyes fixed on the two of them. Her heart raced with a mix of anticipation and curiosity.

"Hey, you can't just do that! You hardly even know her," Radiance interjected.

"I don't know her? Elizabeth, do I not know you?" Kieran's intense gaze bore into Elizabeth, awaiting her response.

"Well, he did save me from a Fox," Elizabeth hesitantly admitted.

"She owes me her life," Kieran asserted confidently.

The other Fae gasped, thoroughly entertained by the unfolding drama.

"Oh," Radiance scoffed, turning his attention from Kieran to Elizabeth. "If you ever want to visit the sun palace, you would be welcomed." He then shot a pointed look at Kieran. "You can't just do whatever you want, Kieran. You only have the crown for a few more seasons," Radiance goaded, clearly trying to provoke the unexpected guest.

"Have a pleasant evening, Elizabeth," Radiance stated pointedly, pointedly ignoring Kieran as he elegantly strolled away, signaling for the other Fae to continue with the festivities.

"Let's go," Kieran said quietly

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Elizabeth was now walking alongside Kieran, peering at him with confusion and amusement. It may seem that she's always amused and confused but in this case, this calls for bewilderment.

Before they left she could feel the tension from Radiance and Kieran, even though they were trying to tolerate each other.

"So..." Elizabeth trails off noticing the awkward silence, " I'm pleased to see you again. I've been thinking about our last meeting" She smiles

He grunts, "I see. You have a habit of finding trouble." He says glancing down at her, causing Elizabeth to look away from his intense gaze

"Do all fae, disguise themselves when they're wandering the forest," she cocks her head thinking

"Well, no. I mostly do it because I don't like talking to people. Especially other Fae. Go this way.." Kieran swiftly made an unexpected turn, finding themselves on a narrow, shadowy path leading toward a steep hill. As he started to ascend, he encountered a stairwell shrouded in poison ivy, with twisting vines and eerie moonflowers entwined around its ancient, weathered steps.

 As he started to ascend, he encountered a stairwell shrouded in poison ivy, with twisting vines and eerie moonflowers entwined around its ancient, weathered steps

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