| Solace - Kiss of Death |

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Author's Note: Hello, readers. I hope you're doing well. I just wanted to make a few things clear before we got into the story. First, this story is heavy angst so be prepared for that. Second, this story is based on an edit I made. The edit seemed to portray a story not seen in the anime and so this is my take on what I think the story told in the edit is. (You can find the edit linked above | May contain spoilers for the story so watch with caution or wait until you're finished reading | The thumbnail does say remake but it is still my edit, just a remake I did of my original version. You can find both on my YouTube channel!)

WARNING: This story is going to be heavy on angst and may also potentially go into detail about self-harm/suicide, betrayal, and even death. If any of these themes are triggering for you please do not read.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own these characters or Bungo Stray Dogs as a whole. Credit for the original storyline and characters goes to Kafka Asagiri. I did, however, change and tweak a few scenes to fit the mood of the fanfiction.

Song to listen to while reading: Solace by RUNAGROUND


No one knew when the whole concept of 'soulmates' had become reality. All humanity knew was that the first pair of soulmates became known long ago in the past. The Special Operations Division only knew that it was a result of an Ability user who'd lost control of their powers. And since the ability itself was no longer connected to a certain anchor, even ability users that could nullify other's powers couldn't escape the effects of the soulmate bond.

Some people in the world embraced this bond. They spend their lives searching for their destined lover. Their judgment is clouded by the idea of a fairy tale life with their predetermined romance, but, just as life has always been, things weren't that black and white. Some people were paired with alcoholics, druggies, and sometimes even murderers. However, there was no longer anything that could be done about the so-called 'Soul Bound Pact' It was a way of life that no one could escape.

That particular fact was a curse to Sigma, a young man who manages an enormous casino in the sky. The Sky Casino was a structure that Sigma had mysteriously inherited after arriving in Yokohama, Japan. He'd awoken on the cold, wet sidewalk with a simple messenger bag filled with the deed to the casino, and everything he'd need to both get there and to run it smoothly. Even to this day, he still wasn't sure who'd left it there.

All Sigma knew in life was the Sky Casino. He couldn't remember who he was before. Where he'd been, where he'd gone, if he was loved. But none of that mattered now. He was the manager of the Sky Casino and he was content with that life. Sure it wasn't exactly the most fun. It involved hours of paperwork on clients and breaking up fights at the poker tables but that didn't matter to Sigma. It kept him busy and him being busy meant he didn't have time to think about the fact that he had a 'soulmate'

Sigma leaned over his desk and wrote furiously on the papers in front of him, the sound of the slight ripple of the water in the pool that surrounded his desk relaxing him. His concentration was admirable to even the most well-known Special Operations Division employee, Ango Sakaguchi. The focused man was about to finish his last load of paperwork for the day when one of his security guards came in. Sigma looked up, his magenta eyes holding a soft kindness masked by an authoritative gleam.

"Can I help you?" Sigma asked that man.

The man stepped forward, pulling out a small tablet that was used for security surveillance. "Yes sir, there is a man here who says he needs to speak with you." The guard stated, showing Sigma the video feed from the front entrance. When the security guard zoomed in on the man, the two-tone-haired man tensed.

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