Going Separate Ways

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Leo's POV:

So there I was, lying on the hard cold floor, looking up to now see what I most feared.

Shredder: "Now Stockman!"

Leo and (Y/n): "No!"

The rope that held (Y/n) above the mutagen pool spilt immediately into halves, leaving (Y/n) falling straight into the pool.

Mutagen splashed almost everywhere near. There were screams and then complete silence in the room. We all stared at mutagen pool in horror, afraid of what might happen next. All I was focused on was my failure and mistakes at this very moment.


Leo: "(Y/n) are you okay?"

(Y/n): "I don't know for some reason tonight I feel a lot more sleepy than usual."

Leo: "You know I could carry you home too (Y/n) if you are feeling tired."

(Y/n): "Thanks Leo. You're my hero."


***End Flashback***

I'm not a hero!

I've failed her.

I literally had one job to do and that was to get her out of here. Now I don't know what will become of her, of us.

A sudden sound immediately brought me back to reality and I looked straight up to where supposedly the sound was coming from. The sound sounded like a growl of a wild animal and this animal could already be a predator to us. I began to fear the worst and I didn't even want to be on that creature's kill list, but I knew I had to at least get a look of it. It could be (Y/n), and maybe if she sees me she will then hopefully recognize me.

There was still silence but I was the first to make a move and get above the mutagen containment to see what perhaps was making the noise.

Donnie: "Leo be careful!"

Once I got a little close to the top by some hidden stair steps, something immediately tackled me to the ground. I grunted a little from hitting the hard cold floor once again and slowly opened my eyes to see that it was (Y/n).

She looked to be a cat of some type with soft colored fur and bright yellow eyes. No offense but she looked not herself and instead looked more out of control. She pressed her claws against my shoulders to keep me from moving. To be honest she was quite strong but more than she was human.

Leo: "(Y/n) is that really you?"

I got no response from her and instead I got a very sudden scratch to the cheek.

Leo: "Ow!?"

All of Shredder's friends backed away in fear but my brother's did the exact opposite. Mikey and Raph pulled (Y/n) away from me and Donnie helped me get back on my feet. I still kept my eyes on (Y/n) and was beginning to remember what mutagen can do to you. It can make you lose control, your memories, and it can make you forget about who you truly are.

She was going mad.

Raph: "Leo what do we do with her, she's too strong even for me surprisingly!?"

Mikey: "Wait no I think I got an idea!"

Mikey then began to gently pet (Y/n) on the head and somehow that made her relax a little. Mikey then sat her down and he did the same. He held her paw in one and still gently brushed through her fur with his other. Mikey then gave her a soft smile and it looked to be that (Y/n) smiled a little back.

Raph: "Okay now what do we do with her?"

My exact thought was to of course take her home with us to the lair, but once I looked back at her she seemed like she was still having trouble to stay in control.

I took a deep breath and got down to the floor and tried to make eye contact with (Y/n). She tried to avoid looking at me and I wanted to know why. Mikey then put a hand on her shoulder to assure her that she was going to be okay, but I was beginning to fear that what if she wasn't really feeling comfortable right now in her new form.

Leo: "(Y/n)?"

She then looked at me.

Leo: "How would you feel if we brought you back home?"

(Y/n) looked away to think deeply about the decision I offered and she sadly gave me a nod of disapproval.

Leo: "Is there a reason to why you don't?"

(Y/n): "Because... because I'm afraid I'll lose control again."

I was actually a little surprised that she could talk just now, mostly some mutants that are just barely born out of the ooze tend to not speak the first time because they question if they even have a voice to begin with and because they're just scared. (Y/n)'s voice though sounded just a little sore and scratchy.

Leo: "Well I'm willing to at least try, what about you (Y/n)?"

She nodded her head in disapproval again.

(Y/n): "Leo either way I can't go with you. Just look what I did to you, I attacked you."

Leo: "It's just a little scratch, I'm still okay (Y/n)."

(Y/n): "Well I'm beginning to fear that I can do much worse."

Tears began to fill up in her eyes as she looked away from me once again. I held her paw to try and bring her back but I don't think it still worked.

Leo: "(Y/n)?"

(Y/n) immediately ran off out of the room not saying another word.

Leo: "(Y/n)!"

I immediately stood back up on my own feet and tried to run after her but it was no use. She already disappeared into the darkness and I felt as if I couldn't move. Tears now started blurring my own vision and I began to run out myself.

Raph: "Leo wait up!?"


I was now sitting on a random rooftop trying to control my tears and forget about what just happened. My brothers's voices did not make me hesitate since I could hear their heavy breathing from trying to catch up to me.

Donnie: "Leo listen it will be okay, she will come back soon."

Leo: "You don't know that and how is it that you guys are not that upset about this? You guys may have lost a friend, but I have lost someone that I actually loved. To me (Y/n) was more than just as a friend!"

Mikey: "W-wait are you saying that..."

Leo: "Yes Mikey you were right I eventually grew to have more interests in (Y/n)! Ever since she appeared in the picture, I fell for her more and more every day! She made me more happy than I ever was and I never was able to confess to her that I loved her!"

Raph: "Leo!?"

Leo: "Just leave me alone."

Raph: "Fine then I guess us three are going home. Come on guys we don't need this wimp of a leader anyway."

Donnie and Mikey followed Raph's lead with caution and I stayed in my place staring off at the city without even looking back.

"Why didn't I have the guts to give her something more to show how much I appreciated her?!"

"Why didn't I stop her? She's like Karia all over again!?"

"Why do I do the things I do?!"

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