G2 - Part 7

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A/N - so, upon re-reading this fic, I realised I didn't actually write any proper smut in the original fic? So I'll be putting warnings in each chapter of G2 that does contain smut scenes for those who like to avoid it. It won't be anything too saucy bc the general vibe of this fic is pretty tame in that regard. (reader, I wrote this BEFORE writing the smut. It is definitely somewhat saucy.)

(I also mentioned Keith having a tongue piercing ONCE in Gasolina, and never brought it up again. So I'm bringing that back for REASONS.)

Anyway, this is your warning for some light (maybe not so light) smut in this chapter. You'll know when it's coming, so just skip to the next chapter as its right at the end~

"Alright, see ya tomorrow!" I called as I ducked out of the garage, leaving Allura and Coran to finish up in the office alone. As I climbed into my car, I let myself think for a moment about what had been spiralling through my mind all day. 

I hadn't heard from Keith. I knew he was safe - Shiro had given me a heads-up that my boyfriend might need some space for a bit - but I had no idea where he was or what he was doing. It was taking every ounce of my self-control not to just drive around the city looking for his bike. That would be a waste of gas and a waste of time. If Keith didn't want to be found, I wouldn't find him. 

In all the chaos after moving in, Keith hadn't even gone back to Shiro's to pick up Cosmo. His brand new dog bed and food bowls were sat in my apartment, untouched. Everything had been put on hold because of my big stupid mouth. 

I pressed my forehead against the steering wheel for a moment, before starting the car and heading home. I was expecting to see an empty spot where Keith's bike usually stood, but to my surprise, there it stood, reflecting the beams of the streetlamps. I pulled up beside it and hesitantly climbed out, afraid that one wrong move would break whatever illusion I was clearly imagining. 

It wasn't until I was approaching the apartment door and heard the skittering of dog feet on the kitchen tiles that I really accepted what was happening. I sprinted the last few feet to the apartment door, fumbling with the lock and bursting into the apartment with flushed cheeks and blown-out eyes. 

Keith stood in the kitchen, half-bent over Cosmo, who was skittering his paws back and forth in excitement. The dark-haired boy looked up, his deep eyes widening for a moment before a guilty look hardened his face. 

"Lance, I..." Keith began, but his voice was instantly cut off as I surged forwards into the apartment, sweeping him into my arms in a tight hug. He was stiff as I held him, his arms hanging limply either side of his body. When I eventually placed him back on his feet, keeping a hand on either of his shoulders, he refused to meet my gaze.

"I was so worried about you." I breathed, worrying my brow as I scoured every inch of his face. He was safe. He was safe

"I'm sorry." Keith breathed, lowering his head to look at his feet. Tufts of inky hair tickled my nose. "I'm so sorry, Lance."

"Stop that." I choked out, feeling my throat tighten with the words. "Just...I'm sorry. I freaked out."

"So did I..." Keith mumbled, glancing up from under messy bangs. 

"Shh." I bent down to his eye level, peeking under his bangs to finally meet his eye. "We're ok. Just...are you ready to talk?"

I waited silently until Keith eventually gave me a small nod, straightening up slightly. I backed off, giving him a little space as he tossed the treat to Cosmo, who'd been watching the encounter with a curious yet apprehensive gaze. The dog gobbled down the treat happily, before following us over to the couch. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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