Chapter 33

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About a week had passed since Griffin had drugged Keith at the bar. I'd been trying to get hold of the former for days, but he wasn't picking up his messages. I knew he was avoiding me – I didn't blame him. I'd done a number on his face that night, and I was still bruised on my knuckles, so I knew his stupid angled face would still be looking less than perfect.

Allura had given me a few days off work to let my hand recover, and it was my first day back on the job. Pidge and Hunk had hundreds of questions for me when I walked in.

"Lance is back!" Hunk shouted, running over and scooping me up into his arms.

"Still injured." I grunted; he'd caught my hand in the process.

"Oops." He mumbled, setting me down and stepping back to stand beside Pidge, who had crossed her arms over her body.

"So," She said, cocking her eyebrow. "What happened?"

"Do I have to tell you?" I asked sheepishly, setting my coat down in the break room.

"Yes." She snapped.

I sighed and recalled the events of that night in detail – leaving out the fact that Keith had stayed the night afterwards. I knew we were officially boyfriends, but I didn't want to have to deal with the teasing – not yet, anyway. I'd tell them eventually.

"Jeez." Hunk said when I finished recalling the story. "So your old friend, who inexplicably has a crush on Keith, decided to follow him to a bar and drug him? I don't mean to be rude, but he sounds like a stalker."

"He is a stalker." I growled. "Keith barely made it out. If I hadn't been there at the right time, I don't know what would have happened."

Pidge, who had remained quiet through the story, uncrossed her arms and rested a hand on my shoulder.

"I can't imagine how hard it must have been to see Keith in hospital." She said quietly. "I...I thought you were just pretending to be sick to get some time off work, but to have gone through something like that...I'm so sorry."

"Who are you and what have you done with Pidge?" I asked cautiously.

"Wow." She groaned. "Way to ruin the moment. Hurry up and get to work or Allura will have all our heads."

Hunk and I headed through to the garage and got to work. Even though I was keeping myself busy, I couldn't help but worry about Keith. He was alone in the apartment – well, with Cosmo to keep him company – and since Griffin knew where he lived...

No, I couldn't think about that. Keith had Shiro and Cosmo to keep guard of him. He'd be safe enough.

Later on, once I'd finished with work, I headed to the convenience store on my way home. It was race night again, and Keith was still insisting on racing. I knew I couldn't stop him, so all I could do was be there for him. After paying and heading out towards my car, I saw a group of goons gathered in the parking lot – between me and my escape route. They looked familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on why.

Until a certain platinum-haired asshole stepped out from behind them, an unsettlingly calm smile playing on his lips.

"Lotor, what are you doing here?"

"Nice to see you too," He drawled, narrowing his eyes. "Lance."

My body went cold.

"What?" He teased, flicking his hair away from his face. "Confused as to how I learned your name?"

Gasolina - Klance Mechanic/Racer AUWhere stories live. Discover now