Chapter One

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"She's going to kill you one of these days" Piper warned me the moment I stepped into the hall our grandmother was having her latest party

"She won't" I reminded her
"She can't marry me off if I'm 6 feet under" I said with a smirk while she rolled her eyes
"She'll be burying you deeper then 6 foot James, that's for sure" Alex, our older brother said with his wife on his arm
"Someone remind me what it is we are partying to tonight?" I asked looking around the room to see it full with families with daughters all done up fancy like they were a show pony

"James, this is your pre-engagement party. This is where Gran is going choose the woman you are to marry" Alex laughed
"I'm out" I said about to turn around but both Alex and our other brother Jeremy grabbed a hold of me pulling me back into place

"I'm not doing this crap. I'm not getting set up with one of these girls man. They are all brain dead with no real lip for conversation" I groaned before Alex cleared his throat making me look to his wife
"Nothing against you Maise, you're great and probably one of the few exceptions" I said offering her a smile  

"Who's not to say that Gran may not find another exception?" Jeremy asked
"Because it was a miracle she already found one. Her luck may be checking out at the moment but one person only has so much luck" I grimaced before looking around the room in the hope I would be able to find someone else to keep me entertained this evening, people who aren't going to set me up any chance they get

"Boys!" I called not only alerting them but also alerting my grandmother I was here, that was most certainly not the intention but never the less

As I walked over to meet with Hunter and West it wasn't hard to notice that Eldon was nowhere to be seen
"Where-" I started before West smirked nodding to the door where Eldon stood merely just walking in now with a small brunette on his arm

"Am I missing something? When did El have a girlfriend?" Hunter asked making me shrug
"Lord knows but I think we are about to find out" West said as the pair started heading directly towards us both with small smiles on their faces as their conversation between them continued

"So nice of you to join us Eldon" I teased
"He's been here for about 10 minutes?" Eldon asked the boys who all nodded
"Are you going to introduce us to your friend Eldon?" Hunter asked nodding towards the girl who quite clearly already wanted out of this situation
Me and you both babe
"boys this is Riley. Riles this is Hunter, West and James" Eldon said making us all greet Riley

"So tell us Riley, what is a girl like yourself doing dating our El?" West asked making Eldon almost choke on his drink while Riley wide eyed
"Dating? God no. No offence Eldon" She said patting his shoulder
"Eldon knew my sister, we've none each other since we were about 10?" Riley said directly the end of the question to Eldon who nodded
"Near enough" He shrugged
"Knew your sister? What happened? Why isn't she here with you both?" Hunter asked with a curious glance around the room
"I uh-" Riley stuttered before turning to Eldon who shook his head
"It's okay" he whispered to her before looking back to Hunter
"It doesn't matter to you. That's the end of that topic" Eldon said a little harshly making it evident that this was a subject too sore to divulge into


The longer the evening went on, the harder is was to dodge my grandmother and her feeble attempts to introduce me to any and all girls that crossed her paths
It's gotten so late I've taken the last attempt at avoidance, going outside in the freezing cold

Now that isn't someone I expected to see here..

As soon as I got out onto the small decking at the back of the hall, I was instantly greeted with Riley stood with hands clutching the banister like everything was about to cave in around her
I can't blame that feeling, I always get like it at parties like this

"Hey" I said softly making her jump slightly before closing her eyes, maybe in the hope I would leave or maybe in the hope that she was preparing herself for something else. I don't know
"I'm sorry, I didn't know if I was allowed out here or not" She muttered
"Uh I think you can, I mean I don't even know myself but it's way to loud in there" I laughed earning a small chuckle back
"I'm glad I'm not the only one. This is something way out of my bracket I won't lie" She said looking back at the room where people stood around talking, drinking, dancing, you name it

"I was going to say I hadn't seen you at these type of events before. How come tonight was the first dip in the pool?" I asked gaining a shrug
"Eldon came by this morning saying I needed to get out more and here we are. I won't lie I would much prefer to be tucked up on the sofa with blankets, take out, movies" She said with a short giggle
"Oh that is music to my ears" I gushed earning a smile from Riley
"You sure? This isn't your element?" Riley asked and I was quick to shake my head

"How about next time Eldon tries to drag you here, give me the heads up and we'll dip and get food and movies" I suggested
"You forgot the blankets" She warned making me chuckle
"Oh I'm so sorry. And blankets" I said offering my hand allowing Riley to take a hold of it to shake

"Deal" She smiled sealing her fate
She was now my get out of party card...

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