Chapter Three

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"Ladies and gentlemen! He's on time!" Jeremy cheered the moment I met up with everyone in the carpark of some rundown building 
"No I'm not" I said looking confused, i was supposed to be here for 3:30 last time I checked
"you fell for Gran's plan, I told her to tell you an earlier time so you would be on time for a change" Pipe said making me glare at her before attacking her to ruffle her hair while she fought back to get me off of her 

"James, leave your sister alone. We're almost late as it is" Gran muttered as we all started to follow her into the building
Gran was walking with mission like she knew exactly where she was supposed to be

We somehow ended up in a viewing gallery that circled many rooms, all of the looking like studios of some sort, some full of instruments whilst others were full of people. Some dancing, some chatting

"What is this place?" I asked looking around impressed
"This is a rec centre" Gran explained like we were supposed to know what this was about
"And this is the exact reason we are here" she continued before focusing one one studio in particular. The one that was occupied by Riley.. What was she doing here?

"That was incredible!" Piper gushed but we all saw that coming from a mile away
"That certainly was" Alex said with a smile on his face
But I was still trying to comprehend how out of all people, how we managed to bump into Riley again

"Riley come on!" A voice called making me snap back into reality when I saw a small brunette bouncing at the door for Riley's attention
"Mary, where is the fire? Relax honey" Riley said in a clam tone taking off her pointe shoes
"But it's time for practiceeee" the girl whined making Riley laugh
"And you're able to host it all yourselves. You guys wanted to compete, it's all down to you" she explained earning an eye roll before the girl pulled her out of the room and dragged her into another one

"I've secured the goods!" the small girl said making everyone else in the studio laugh
"She isn't property Mare" A blonde said 
"What was so dire that you needed to kidnap me anyway" Riley asked putting her bag down at the side of the room out of the way
"We were hoping you would do the warm up with us. We wanted to do the first routine you ever taught us" The blonde asked
"Guys, I don't know" Riley said 
"Please Riley! Just one dance and then we'll knuckle down and work" The small one said
"I don't think you'll win here Riles" The blonde continued
"Yeah I've figured as much Michelle" Riley said rolling her eyes

"One dance and then you're all heads down because your competition is just over 2 weeks away" Riley said pointing at the all before the erupted into a cheer before taking their places 

"Jesus christ" Jeremy said before earning a small smack from gran for his language
"I second that but minus the word choice" Alex said making snigger a little 
I has no idea what this place was but I wanted to know..


"I don't think you told us why we are here Gran" Alex said as we started walking towards the same studio we had just been watching
"Well I met Riley at the party yesterday and figured this would be the perfect place to invest in. I'm sure you'll agree too Alex when you hear about it. She offered to show us around so who was I to deny her that?" Gran said making Alex shrug as we continued to walk towards the room

As soon as we got into the studio, the room was bursting with music and the same kids who had just been dancing were back at it again minus Riley this time but it didn't take us long to find her 

"I appreciate the offer Mr Graham but running this place is my fulltime job. Being a quote on quote young naïve girl doesn't deter from the fact I built this from the ground up. I'm not about to let you tear it down for the sake of an apartment complex. These kids need a safe place and that is exactly what I am giving them" Riley said before hanging up the phone and pushing her hair out from her face in a huff

"Do you think we need to give her a moment?" Piper asked
"Riley! Visitors!" Another voiced yelled making Riley look up and instantly meet us, it was subtle but I could instantly see her demeaner change. Like she was putting on a front and a half 

"Rose, it's lovely to see you again" Riley smiled walking out of the office to greet us
"You too sweetheart. Let me introduce my family. These are my grandchildren, Alex, Jeremy, Piper and I believe you know James. Especially if you know Eldon" Gran said introducing us all while Riley nodded along to her 
"It's great to meet you all. Shall I show you around?" Riley asked nodding to the main door
"This place is amazing! I'd love to be able to dance like these guys" Piper said instantly taking to Riley
"Why don't you? You could always start here, we offer classes for all levels" Riley explained making Pipers eyes widen so much that even I thought they were about to pop out of her head

"If it's okay with your grandmother, you can go and grab some dance gear from the store at the entrance and we can get you to sit in on a class while I show your brothers and gran around" Riley said making Piper turn around to look at her with her famous puppy dog eyes
"Please gran!" Piper fussed
"Sure thing, as long as it's no trouble" Gran said looking to Riley
"Of course not" She hushed

"Uhhh, Michelle. Come here" Riley called making the same blonde from earlier come over to us
"Can you take Piper to the store, get her the gear she needs then take her to room C for a class?" Riley asked 
"Sure! Let's go!" Michelle said taking Pipers arm as they ran off

"I'm afraid Piper may have just fallen victim to this place. Once people start here, they never want to leave" Riley smiled making us all chuckle
I can see why..

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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