upside downside, inside outside

47 1 0

▏kd duo and sack attack industries

"aw, dude. kier, come check this out!" dev called behind him as he scavenged around the cave he had just found.

the opening was cramped, but when dev walked in he found that it nearly tripled in size. it definitely wasn't the biggest caves he and kier had gone spelunking in, but it was decent. it also had a shit ton of random junk piled around.

it was unclear how long someone else had been here, but dev didn't really care. not that any of it was useful. there was random spools of string, a pile of dirt, and a small flower garden along one of the walls. what dev is interested in, however, is a small cluster of diamonds that had been lodged in one of the walls.

"what? what is it?" kier asked as he just finished wedging himself through the entrance.

dev gestures around to the random shit strewn around with a wide smile.

kier gaped as he looked. "this looks like shit. why would you show me this?" kier deadpans as his eyes wander around.

"what?!" dev yells. "this is cool!" dev turns away from kier to grab his pick. "i'm never showing you anything again AND you're not getting any of these diamonds." he's already hacking at the wall before he's done talking.

"okay- wait." kier tries to get closer to look at said diamonds, but dev gets in the way. kier tries to go around dev only to get blocked again. "really, dev?"

"yes, really! get away!" dev jerks his body backwards, effectively body checking kier.

kier knows he's fighting a losing battle, so he gives up on it. instead, he distracts himself with inspecting the rest of the cave and the other junk laying around.

"hey, don't we need string for bows?" kier asks as he tries to pick up one of the spools. it gets all tangled up in the process.

dev hums. "yeah, but i'd rather trade for bows. those ones are way sturdier." and because dev hated making them by hand, but he didn't need to say that out loud.

"makes sense." kier drops the string without further argument, watching as it gets more tangled. his eyes scan around the cave. he can spot a couple of blocks made of copper, there's a lotus on the ceiling, and is that endstone in one of the walls?

"woo! okay, let's get going, kier." dev announces when he's done pocketing the diamonds.

kier lazily follows after dev who is already leaving the cave. "'kay."

they squeeze through the opening once again to continue on their journey to find another cave to go mining in. they scour their surroundings for any promising looking openings only to find dead ends.

after another disappointment, they run into jack. their enderman friend who is happy to see the two of them. "hi kier! hi dev!"

"hi jack." the two of the greet him, far more morose sounding. the searching had left the two feeling drained.

jack tilts his head at this. "woah, what's wrong?"

dev groans before he responds, "we're trying to find a good cave, but we have no luck. as usual." he slumps down more after explaining, if that was even possible.

kier hums in agreement before he perks up, "but we did find this weird cave with, like, a bunch of stuff everywhere." kier jerks a thumb behind him. "it was like over there."

jack stiffens up. "what- what was in it." his eyes squint in suspicion.

dev is oblivious to his friends expression as he remembers, "yeah, there was like flowers, string, oh, and i found diamonds there!" dev shows off the gemstones shamelessly.

jack is silent at this explanation. kier and dev watch as jack stays still. "uh, jack?" dev asks, waving his hand infront of jack.

"you guys just raided my house." jack says evenly, staying stock-still.


the two of them stared bug-eyed at the enderman. nobody moves. "uh, well it was nice seeing you, jack! but we have to leave now! bye!" dev makes a dash for it with kier hot on his heels.

"what?!" they can hear jack yell in rage before he, assumedly, started chasing after them. jack doesn't get his diamonds back that day.


L jack

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