yccmi extras

15 0 0

severe brainrot has hit so heres cut content from the previous part + my notes simply bc i wanted to share


"we weren't even a group for that long!"

"what? four years isn't short at all!" jack sounds offended that boosfer dared to try and say that their time as a group was short. " that was a good chunk of our lives." he even sounds upset.

even if boosfer doesn't agree with him, he feels an urge to acquiesce his junior. "oh yeah! you were seventeen when we first started. now you're a man." he laughs as he thinks briefly to when they first started.

all of them had met before they debuted and boosfer was shocked to find out how young jack had been. he was equal parts surprised and skeptical considering how talented he was. but after just minutes of talking to him, boosfer realized that it was indeed the truth.


are you guys still close with kier and dev???

"of course we are!" jack answers for him quickly. it's true that all of them kept in close contact after the disbandment.

shortly after their group, full color, disbanded, kier and dev debuted as a duo. clips of the two of them went viral, gaining traction for the group. rather than use that to propel the whole group forward, their company had decided to put the two of them in the spotlight.

"if you think we aren't because of what happened, well," jack trails off, suddenly getting tongue tied. "boosfer, how would you put it?"

boosfer shakes his head. leave it to jack to toss him the question all of a sudden. "our problem was never with kier and dev, it was with management." he states after giving it some thought.

at the time, a wedge was stuck between all of them because of how their managers showed clear favor of both kier and dev over the others following the sudden spike of attention that some viral clips of the two had garnered. their manager could suck it because in the end, all of them were still close.

"they really... took advantage of the situation, didn't they?" jack laughs, sounding in disbelief.

boosfer laughs right along side him as their attention is caught by another chat message.


"wait, i can share this now." boosfer perks up at the chance to talk some more about their bad experiences. "our manager was, like, so rude to us. all the time." he chuckles, despite the fact that what he was talking about was not something to be laughed at. "i won't repeat the things they said to us because it was just mean, but they were awful."

"oh, don't remind me." jack sounds defeated from just the mention of it. none of the members were exempt from the scathing remarks they recieved, not even their younger members.

"yeah, and one time-"  "wait, jack, can i tell them?"

"tell them what?"

"the time you..."

"oh, that! yeah, you can tell 'em."

"they made jack cry during a stage rehearsal one time."

"man... i forgot about that one. i had to wear sunglasses so i could try and hide it."

"yeah, our employers were out biggest haters."


got too lazy with the last part soz

will write another part to this and then something normal probably

and here is a transcription of the notes just in case !!

page 1

Full Color, group for 4 years, debut: 2020
fan name: hues

Andres - Lead Rapper, Sub Vocalist
Baablu - Main Dancer, Sub Vocalist, Visual, Maknae
Boosfer - Choreographer, Lead Dancer, Center
Bubbo - Leader, Lead Vocalist, Sub Rapper
Dev - Main Rapper
Fantst - Sub Vocalist, Main Dancer
Jack - Main Vocalist, Main Dancer ?
Kier - Lead Vocalist, Face of Group, Sub Rapper

Dance Ranking  (per Boosfer)
0. Boosfer
1. Baablu
2. Fantst
3. Jack
4. Kier
5. Bubbo
6. Dev
7. Andres

Rap Ranking  (per Dev)
1. Andres
2. Bubbo
3. Dev  (humble king)
4. Kier
5. Boosfer
6. Baablu  > inter
7. Fantst  > changeable ?
8. Jack

Sub Divisions
Scrunkly Squad           K&D > becomes main group
(Baablu, Fantst, Baablu)      (Kier, Dev)

page 2

emojis??                          rep color  (a-k order)
old man emoji lol,       grey
dark moon

shining pink heart      pink

virus                                    green

purple peace sign       indigo

blue square                    blue

fish bc no axolotl        magenta

sunflower                        orange

red square                      red

(kier and dev are matching)

vocal coach?? producer?

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