dbp. 🖤 065

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Somewhere in Los Angeles

Pierce was driving at a normal pace into the Baders neighborhood. He had already texted Bumble to let him know he was pulling up.

Though it wasn't heavy beef, Pierce still had a reputation with the Baders and many of them still didn't fuck with him. To be fair, the feeling was mutual. So as he drove through, he was vigilant, keeping watch of his surroundings in case he had to bounce out on some other shit.

Praia had hung up the phone a few minutes prior to Pierce pulling in to Bumble's apartment complex parking lot. She had insisted on hanging up to take a shower. Pierce thought it was unnecessary. They didn't have to get off of the phone 'til he went in. That honestly dampened his mood a little.

Looking around the parking lot, Pierce took notice of Z's car and Maj's. They'd beat him there which wasn't surprising. Either way, he planned to get in and get out, then go to the liquor store down the street, and go home.

It was too hot to be out anyway.

Adjusting his gun in his pants, he hopped out the car, phone to his ear, heading for the steps of building that led up to the apartments.

He kept his head on a swivel, calling Bumble to let him know to open the door for him.

"Where you at, nigga?" Bumble answered the phone.

"Walking to yo' shit. Send.." he paused, locking eyes with a drug addict, an older woman who stood scratching her lower arm and twitching slightly. The way she was looking at him was slightly creepy, but he was raised to be respectful to his elders, so he still nodded in acknowledgment to her. "Ma'am."

Ascending the steps, he continued what he was telling Bumble. "Send someone to open the door, fa me." He was continuing to walk to the door, eyes forward.

Upon finally reaching his apartment near the end of the row of doors, he was barely able to knock on the door before it was opened by a mid-height young lady. She was pretty and she was excited to see Pierce, however, he didn't pay her any mind, easily pushing past her with a muttered "excuse me." He hadn't even looked in her direction.

Her nickname was Bink. She was Bumble's little sister and she had lusted after Pierce since back then when he had been beefing with her brother. He was always so attractive to her, the tattoos, the way he talked, his rich dark brown skin, his automatic willingness to fight any and everyone. It was attractive. But, that's all it was. Attraction.

To be honest, he had always thought she was weird as fuck. In his eyes, it was weird to try and get at somebody who has obvious issues with your brother. When he thinks back on how they used to fight every single time they saw each other, it was legitimately every time. They both knew upon seeing each other what time it was and they acted accordingly.

If he cared enough to pay attention to her, he would've noticed her evergrowing fascination with him. Unfortunately for her, he was permanently off limits now. She didn't know that of course and as it stood, she still wanted to have her way with him.

She wasn't a thought in Pierce's mind. Like at all. She had even tried to come onto him a few years, back when they were both 16. He wouldn't have said yes anyway, but the main reason he said no, aside from him just not being attracted to her, was that he thought it was a set up.

Bink was well known for one thing. Set-ups. She hung around members due to her brother's affiliation, which led to her getting involved with a few of them herself. She was dating a now 19 year old G.BB, Golden Boy Bendo, when they were all 16, on and off. They had a rather explosive relationship that included them breaking up due to his infidelity, then her fucking with one of his rivals to get back at him. This would lead to multiple casualties and at the time, G.BB and Milli had their own issues aside from her.

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