{chapter -: 7}

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Abhiraj pov
I'm now sitting with the priest and doing some rituals, but.... my attention is on ishika. I haven't seen her since the time I have come.
my family is enjoying it by themselves. I'm happy as long as they are happy.
Abhiraj pov end.
Author pov
After doing all the rituals, the priest told to call the bride. Ishika's aunty nodded and went to call ishika.
(In the room)
Ishika was in her own world, when someone opened the door, ishika looked back and saw that it was her brother.
"Are you really sacrificing your life ishu"? Asked Siddhaarth.
"Bhai, I'm not sacrificing my life" Said ishika with a small smile.
"I'm getting married to the person, I love bhai" Ishika said.
"What, how you know him"? Siddharth asked Shockley
"I'll tell you later bhai" Ishika said
" But does he know that you love him"? Asked siddhaarth
"No," Ishika said with a small smile.
"What if he loves Riya"? Asked siddhaarth
" I'll back off from the wedding bhai, I'll leave him. I'll give him divorces " Ishika said with a sad smile
"But"- siddhaarth was cut off by his aunty.
" Ishika it's time to go" Said her aunty.
She came to ishika and hugged her.
"I'm sorry ishu, just for Riya you are in the place I'm really sorry my daughter" Aunty said
"It's okay aunty, I'm doing everything for you and uncle" Ishika said.
"Now let's go, shall we"? Asked her aunty
" Yes" Ishika said.
"Wait" Said her aunty.
"What happen aunty"? Asked her aunty.
"Ishika please put the vail on your head and hide your face" Said her aunty with a pleading tone.
"Okay aunty" Ishika said and put the vail on her head and hide her face.
Ishika's look

 Ishika's look

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They took ishika to the mandap

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They took ishika to the mandap. Abhiraj raised his hand for ishika, and ishika put her hand on his hand and helped her to sit on her place.
Soon the priest started chanting the mantra. Ishika and Abhiraj chant the mantra as well.
"Now it's time for kanyadan", said the priest.
Siddharth went to mandap for kanyadan.
Abhiraj was confused that why siddharth came for kanyadan instead of riya's Father, but he didn't asked anything.
His eyes was searching ishika, but he didn't found her.
After kanyadan siddhaarth came backed to her place.
"Now bride and groom start the seven pheras" Said the priest.
Both Abhiraj and ishika stood up and started to take the phrase.

"I Promise to nourish each other"
"I Promise to grow together with strength"
"I promise to preserve our wealth"
"I promise to share our joys and sorrow"
"I promise to take care of our children and parents"
"I promise to be together forever"
"I promise to remain friends lifelong"

They both took pheres around the holy fire. And sit down.
"Now the groom takes the Vermillion and, applies it to the hair partition of the bride's". The priest said.
Abhiraj took a pinch of Vermillion between her thumb and index finger, and was going to apply, then she whispered,
"I'm not riya, I'm ishika abhiraj"
Abhiraj stopped for a moment but applied the Vermilion to her hair partition.
Abhiraj was happy but also confused that why she is in riya's place.
"Make the bride wear Mangalsutra"said the priest.
Abhiraj made ishika wear the mangalsutra.
Author pov end
Abhiraj pov
I'm happy that ishika is my bride, but where is riya?
" Now I announced you both as Husband and wife " The priest said.
"Let me take a look of my daughter-in-law" My mom said and uncovered the vail. And as I expected everyone was looking at ishika with wide eyes.
"Who are you, where is Riya"? Asked my mom
"I'm ishika and Riya......" She stopped.
"Riya what, Mr.Gupta can you please explain what is happening here"?" My mom asked.
"Mrs.Rathore Riya ran away" Mr. Gupta said.
"What, who is the girl then"? My mom asked
"Mrs.Rathore she is my sister's daughter, she is a good and well mannered girl" Said her aunty, who was going to be his mother-in-law.
"It's not my question to answer Mrs.Gupta, I want to know why she is here at the place of Riya"? Asked my mom.
"Mrs.Rathore she is at the place of riya because we told her to be the bride of abhiraj" Her aunty said while looking at the floor.
"Mrs.Gupta you found replacement a solution, you didn't even think to told us" My mom said.
"We can't do anything now gitika, we have to accept her as our daughter-in-law, she is married to our abhiraj" my dad said with a understanding tone.
"I want to ask something to ishika" I said and everyone was looking at me like I'm the God here.
I looked at ishika and asked her, "Ishika are you forced into the wedding"?
She looked at me, and her eyes was so adorable.
" I'm..... " She couldn't be able to complete her word.
"You are what ishika"? I asked her.
She took a deep sign and replied
"I'm not forced into the wedding"
I looked at her eyes and Yes, she was telling the truth.
Abhiraj pov end
Author pov
Everyone was looking at each other.
"I accept her as my daughter-in-law" Said my mom with a small smile.
"So I think we should go now, we also have rituals to do in our home".
" Yes,". Ishika's aunty said
It was time for Vidhai, ishika was crying while hugging her aunty.
"Ishu I know Abhiraj, he'll take good care of you, my daughter" Said her aunty emotional".
Ishika then went to her brother, and hugged him.
"Take care of yourself ishu, if anything happens, just call me and come to your home. Am I clear"?
" Yes bhai"ishika said while hugging him.
"It's time to go Ishika, come" Abhiraj's mom said
"Hmm" Ishika went to them.
Siddhaarth went to abhiraj and told him that, "Mr.Rathore I know it is so much for me to ask from but still, please take care of my sister, she is our princess."
"I'll take care of her" Abhiraj said with a asure smile.
"And please call me abhiraj, not Mr. Rathore. He said.
The environment was emotional.
Finally they get into the car, but ishika was still crying, as she wasn't prepared for it.
Author pov end
Abhiraj pov
Ishika was crying beside me, I have her my handkerchief.
"Ishika take it", I said with soft tone and honestly I talked in a soft tone after so long.
" Thanks" She said.
After sometime I felt something on, my shoulder. And i, saw that it was ishika.
Her face was red due to crying, she is looking cute also. I started to admired her.
Hello guys,
The chapter is so long I hope I able to make you feel happy.
Do vote, comment, and let me know that if you like my story or not. I'm really sorry for silly mistakes
Abhuraj and ishika's wedding is complete now let's see how ishika's married life will be. Stay with me for more.
Love you all

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