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(Wrote this at 4AM because im a simp and sleep deprived)

The soft pitter-patter of raindrops hit the dark window as you tossed and turned in your bed. You hadn't been able to get a good night's rest since people began going missing in your town. You were far too paranoid. although people didn't often get stolen from the comfort of their home, living alone certainly didn't help ease your mind. Actually, the disappearances revolved around a place. A place you had avoided on map apps when you had to go to the store. Joey Drew Studios.

The old place had been closed down for years, since the founder went crazy. Most of the employees had gone missing.
Super reassuring..

After a little while, you passed out into a dreamless sleep.

Once you woke, you got ready for work. Until you got enough money to get into a good school, you worked at a cafe. You took orders and dealt with the annoying customers...

Some would berate you, others would flirt. Of course, you were flattered when they did, but you didn't want to get fired and lose another job. Also, most of them weren't your type.

Your type? Well, you didn't really know. Lately you'd been falling in love with characters from shows and video games. Fictional media. Fictional characters.

You weren't sure when you'd find a real, viable partner.

After you were ready, you got in your car and put your GPS on. The fastest route.. was by the old studio. Well, of course it was.

You sighed deeply and just went with it. As you passed, you felt a chill run down your spine. Of course, you were stopped at a red light. You tapped your hands on the wheel impatiently. You glanced at the abandoned building every few seconds.

Red light,
you stepped on the gas and went as fast as legally possible.

You let out a sigh of relief as you pulled into your usual spot and stepped out of the car. You quickly walked into the cafe and slipped on your cute little apron.

You stood behind the counter and had an.. average day.

Besides the fact you saw a strange shadow outside the window.

You sort of brushed it off for a few minutes.

Until you saw it slink into the old studio.

Unfortunately for you, the place was so close to your work. You could literally see it as you spoke to customers. Some days you were able to avoid it on the way.

After work, although it was the dumbest thing you've ever done, you decided to snoop around the place.

You grabbed your flashlight and a small knife you kept in your car, for safety reasons, and headed into the broken down building.

Once you got close enough, you saw the decrepit old wooden boards barring the windows and doors.

You noticed a gap where the door was.

Someone had broken in.

"HEY!" You called into the building, stepping over pieces of wood to go inside.

"Is someone in here?" You continued.

You shrugged as you were met with the echo of your own voice and pushed on.

You made your way through the eerie hallways of the studio, until you found more boards. You pulled them off and found a large machine.

"Does this still work?" You wondered aloud to yourself.

You noticed a lever next to you and pulled it. On instinct. I mean, it's a lever! Who wouldn't want to pull it on impulse?

A thick black liquid began pouring from the machine, which caught your attention. You looked up and saw a large sign that read


"Convenient.." must've been nice to make your own ink instead of buying it.

You turned back around to do some more exploring.

As you were walking, you noticed a loose board. Well, you noticed it because your foot got caught on it. You fell face first into the ground.

Or you should've.

If there was any underneath you.

You fell through the cold, dark air, expecting to meet your end. Maybe this was why so many people went missing.. the building wasn't structurally sound and they all fell to their doom.

You screamed and shut your eyes, waiting for impact.
And there was an impact.. but it didn't kill you. Not yet at least.

"Thank god I'm not dead.." you thought.

A groan pulled you from your funny little inner monologue.

You had landed on someone.

Your eyes opened as you looked at your cushion.

You were chest-to-chest with a man made entirely of ink.

(Hope this was an okay first chapter! Might revise later... idk. 🤷‍♀️ IT'S 5AM NOW AHAAHA)

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