And there was an impact.. but it didn't kill you. Not yet at least.

"Thank god I'm not dead.." you thought.

A groan pulled you from your funny little inner monologue.

You had landed on someone.

Your eyes opened as you looked at your cushion.

You were chest-to-chest with a man made entirely of ink.


You immediately stood up, dusted yourself off and turned around.

The man seemed to reach for something out of the corner of your eye. A mask. He quickly put it on, hiding his face.
You turned around to face him again.
You reached your hand down to help him up, he just stared at you for a few moments before accepting.
He was pulled to his feet and you noticed how tall he was. How muscular he was. His mask was also of the dancing demon himself, bendy. A small hole was cut for his mouth, but there weren't any else. He was wearing only a pair of yellow suspenders. Now that you realized, everything was a dull sepia-tone. Yellows and blacks.

You let go of his hand.

"I am so sorry- are you okay?" You asked frantically.
As you waited for a reply, you finally realized you were still covered in ink. You sighed.

"... are you an angel?" He spoke, his voice low, almost a whisper.

"An angel?" You echoed, a small laugh escaping your lips. "No, I'm not an angel. That's sweet though."

There was an awkward silence for a beat.

"But, you do seem different..."

"You're not afraid of me?" Though the mask didn't have eye holes, you felt as though he was staring into your soul.

"Should I be?" You took a small step back, now noticing the axe in his hand.

"... come with me."  He took hold of your hand once more and began leading you through the new, uncharted territory that was the 'abandoned' studio.

As you looked around the seemingly endless hallways, your mind began to wander.
Was this guy made of ink? Like.. made of it? At first, you thought he was just covered. Maybe he took a fall as well.. but the feeling of his hand was so strange. It seemed solid, yet it didn't.

You were snapped back to reality when he started to speak again.

"So.. you started the ink machine? I'm honestly impressed you did it that quickly." He chuckled before continuing, "see, I've been trapped in this inky abyss I call a body for quite some time.. honestly, if I didn't keep track on the walls, I would've forgotten." So this guy's crazy- "I think you can help me out..." he dragged you along with him down the halls until the two of you reached a staircase.

"Watch your step, lamb." He mumbled. He knew you were spacing out.

You luckily heard him and followed him down the stairs.

"You're being awfully compliant, sweetheart."

... did this man just call you sweetheart? You felt your face heat up, but then you realized what he said.

"Compliant?" You repeated.

"Yes. Compliant. You've followed me all this way without asking many questions.."
This guy is definitely crazy.

"Uhm.. okay, here's a question for you: where are we going?" You figured he was giving you the opportunity to inquire more about him.

"... somewhere you won't be found." He spoke in that stupidly silky voice.

"WHAT?" you immediately pulled your hand back, causing him to stop in his tracks.

"I'm only trying to protect you. From her." He moved his arms in an exaggerated way. He was clearly a theatre kid.. or maybe he just spoke with his hands for another reason. Maybe you shouldn't judge this guy too hard, since he's trying to protect you. Or so he says.

You now realized there was a thin coat of ink around your hand, where he had gripped.
You slowly wiped it on your clothes, making direct eye contact with him. He just stared at you.

"Who are you trying to protect me from?"

He looked to the side dramatically. "That damned Angel.. she's a disgrace to the ink.. she hates my lord."

"Oohhhh.. are you like- super religious? You mean Jesus?"

His head snapped back to you. "What? No. Bendy. The ink demon..."

He then extended his hand again, expecting you to take it.

Before you did, you spoke up.

"You worship Bendy?"

"That's right. He will set us free."

"Uh-huh.." you mumbled. "Why should I trust you?"

"Who else do you have?"

He had a point. Either go into uncharted waters alone, or with a muscular masked man.
Muscle man it is.

You took his hand and he kept walking with you, humming a tune as he went. You recognized it from the old cartoons..

"That's a nice song.. sort of nostalgic."

"Why, thank you, lamb. I wrote it myself."

"Wait- you did? You're that composer guy??"

"Ah, yes.. it seems I have forgotten to properly introduce myself. I apologize.. My name is Sammy Lawrence. I'll be your.. guide."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 15 ⏰

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