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"KOFIII, where is my damn charger ??" I yelled downstairs.

I lowered the volume on my speaker waiting to hear a response back.

After a few seconds of silence I knew he wasn't finna respond, I sighed getting up and putting down my straightener.

I walked downstairs to the living room to see my brother Kofi sitting on the couch on his phone.

" Kofi where u put my charger at my phone finna die" I said standing in front of him.

"Mannnn Ionk I think I lost dat bih " He said looking up from his phone.

I put my hand on my hip, I don't know whyyy I let this boy borrow my stuff.

"Ok welll my phone needs to get charged before I go anywhere so u go handle that" I said throwing my phone to him before I walked back upstairs.

Once I got back to my vanity I finished flat ironing my hair, placing 2 silver hair clips at the front of my hair.

I looked through my drawers quickly deciding on my 'Marble SKIMS set.

I quickly slipped on my tank top & shorts and applied some lotion & smell goods.

I opted out of wearing a purse since we were already late & I was going with my brother anyways.

I grabbed my keys & 'Gucci wristlet and slipped on my White ' Gucci Sandals.

"The Queen is READDYYYY" I said to myself in the mirror before I turned the lights off making my way to my momma room before we left.

"Maa!! Me n Kofi about to go to the game" I said sitting on her bed.

"Ouuu girlll you look cutee! Make sure yall be careful out there okay?" She said and I nodded

"Always Mommy! See you laterrr" I said getting up to close her door back.


"KBBBB, heeyyy girllaaaa " Ani yelled to me from the gate.

She was waiting in the line to get tickets to get in the game & seen me walking up with Kofi.

I waved to her walking ahead of Kofi so we could get in line with her.

"Heyyyy girl, who you came out here with?" I asked her.

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