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Istg the unedited version was so cringy. And this, I think, is the best chapter I have written so far in the original. Wtf is wrong with me? Also, I'm holding y'all at gunpoint if you don't tell me what you thought about this chapter. Pls, give me criticism, make jokes, do anything, just let me know what you thought about this part.


09:05. Trondheim, Norway.

Nothing much was happening in Trondheim. It was a calm, peaceful, mid-summer day. 

Norwegians minding their own business, maybe an occasional fight between the citizens here, but nothing tense.

Nobody in this part of Norway would've spared a thought of whatever could be happening all the way across the Atlantic ocean.


17:05. Nunavut, Canada.

"NASA! WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING?" EU yelled, for NASA had just climbed up a tree and was giggling at heaven knows what.

EU turned to his companion, UN, in disbelief. "Why exactly did we have to bring her along?"

UN raised their eyebrow. "Why? Do you not enjoy her company?" 

"I do," EU confessed, glaring at NASA. "But she's a bit too... How do I say this? Childish."

UN sighed; they really were starting to get a headache. "EU, in a world where humans hardly ever have time to relax and push through their lives with a smile, beings like NASA are extremely rare. Besides," they added, with a twinkle  in their eyes, "NASA is intelligent."

"Yes, but —"

"EU." UN stated in a final-sort of way, which hushed up the European instantly.

Never, if you value your life, piss off the United Nations. 

NASA slid back down from the tree, with a look of satisfaction on her youthful face. "We're on the right path, UN sir!" She saluted respectfully to the organization, who smiled and nodded.

"Thank you, NASA." 

"What are we looking for again?" EU questioned rather sulkily, which made NASA look at him carefully and cheerfully ask,

"You ok, EU? Did you run into that tea-guy you hate so much?"

"Yeah, I totally came across that British bitc— I mean Britain," he added hastily, because UN had caught his eye. "In the middle of fuc— Sorry, sir, in the middle of Nunavut, Canada," 

NASA rolled her eyes. "Yeah, yeah, leave poor Britain alone." 

EU stuck his tongue at her and turned away, which made UN chuckle inwardly. 'And he said that NASA is the 'childish' one. Although, 'child-like' is a better term, I should think.

"Why are we here, exactly?" EU asked again, looking at UN. "Term doesn't start until September."

"Oh my stars," NASA looked at him in amusement, "they didn't tell you?" And then, much to EU's annoyance, she started wheezing with sarcastic laughter. 

"Keep your voice down," EU said sternly, although he knew perfectly well that nobody was around to hear them.

UN chuckled slightly and turned to NASA. "NASA, please stop teasing EU." 

NASA immediately stopped laughing, yet an occasional giggle escaped her lips as UN talked to EU.

"NASA here as detected an unusual energy near the school. This is very concerning; nobody other than the nations and organizations should know the school exists, and this is not an energy caused by a nation or an organization." UN explained.

EU scoffed. "Are you sure it's not magic?"

"No, it is not," UN answered. "Us organizations don't practice magic regularly, and the nations who do rarely ever come here, and if it is a human wizard, we should be able to identify whether it is magic or not."

EU rolled his eyes. "Or it could be the US messing around with — "

NASA suddenly snapped. "Don't you bring America into this! He wouldn't hurt a fly!"

"It's the fly he wouldn't hurt." 

"Shut up you stupid little—"

UN shook their head. Nothing was going to stop their endless bickering. 

"You know what!" EU choked out in anger. "UN, let's get out of here!" 

"Hang on, you can't leave me here!"

"I never said—"

"That is quite enough!" UN's voice had the slightest hint of anger in it. "NASA, where did you detect the energy?"

"Um... O-over there," NASA stuttered, pointing ahead of her.

"Alright then!" UN's mood changed so suddenly it was almost alarming. "Let us proceed!" And with that, they marched ahead cheerfully, leaving EU and NASA to follow them silently. 


The trio eventually came to a clearing; there was a less-than-friendly air which made EU shiver, despite it being summer.

"Shouldn't be much further!" NASA was saying to no one in particular. "Just a few more —" 

There was a loud 'CRACK!', and seconds later they were falling: the earth had given away beneath them.

"ARGH!" NASA screamed as they fell down into a bottomless pit. 

"NASA, WHAT IN THE WORLD HAVE YOU GOTTEN US INTO!?" EU yelled, frantically trying to find something to hold onto. 

UN remained silent while their two companions were yelling. They were scanning the walls around them (thanks to UN's incredible eyesight); something was not right...

It was a few seconds before UN's voice, clear of any panic, exclaimed,

"NASA, EU! The walls are made of metal!"


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