Chapter Four-Dreams

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He took my hand, pulling me away. Stepping in front of me, shielding me because his life depends on it. Saving me. He turns around. Just enough for me to see his face. He has brown curls which spill over his forehead. And just when our eyes are supposed to meet, a light shines. Intterupting us, as he dissapears...

I sit up, panting. Sweat dripping down my forehead, my neck and hands. I blink, my eyes adjusting to the darkness. I look around, realising I was dreaming. I look around again, seeing my roommates. Pansy, Ellie and Jossette are all here. Which means I just had a dream. A nightmare? I don't think so.
I try recalling my dream. But all I come up with is running, running and running until he pulls me. Someone pulled me. But who is this someone? What if I just slept a little longer? What if I saw his face? Is this man real? What if he is? What if he isn't?
I look at the clock. 5 am.
I decide I should just do something, instead of worrying about someone or something that maybe isn't real.
I get up quietly, get two towels, my school uniform, my make-up bag and go in the bathroom.

After I shower, I put on my school uniform. I fix the Slytherin tie which is around my neck. I brush my hair, the brush untangiling my messy hair. I take my hairdryer and start doing my hair. I like doing a 90's blowout. It frames my face nicely, while also fitting my face shape.
After I finish, I curl my eyelashes, put on mascara, chapstick and then lip gloss.
I walk back in my dorm. It's 7 am. The girls' alarms start ringing as they lazily groan. I giggle, and sneakily get my shoes. I put them on, and take my bag.

It's 9 am. Class started 1 hour ago. Currentlly I'm sitting in Transfiguration with Mc. Gonagall. It's only our first day but it alredy sucks. Gryffindor and Slytherin have it together first thing Monday morning.
Everything is a mess. Neville is struggling to complete a task, Mc. Gonagall is trying to help him, while Mattheo and Draco are making funny comments, followed by Theodore, Lorenzo and Blaise's laughing. Harry and Ron are arguing with them, trying to encourage Neville.
But then again, what can I say? This is a casual morning with the Slytherin's idiots.
I look at Mattheo, glaring at him. He turns to look at me. His smile dissapearing. He glares back at me, furiously mumbling something.
I roll my eyes at him, annoyed by his act. But then again, he is a Riddle. They're all the same.
I lean back in my seat, staring at blank air. Until a folded paper flies in my direction, snapping me out of my thoughts. It stands in front of me. I open it, reading the words written in black ink.
"What's wrong? Isn't it funny seeing your friend struggle?"
The note read. I knew it was from Riddle. I rip the note in half and throw it on the floor. Not even a minute later another note stands in front of me.
I open it again. The sentence, yet again written in black ink.
"Ignoring my notes? Don't you wanna talk?"
I roll my eyes, ripping apart the paper. I can feel Mattheo's glare, basiclly stabbing daggers in me.
Yet again, another note in front of me. I don't open it. I just sigh, frustrated. I can feel Mattheo smirk, still glaring coldly. Just then the bell rings, meaning class ended. Finally. I put the note in my bag, and stand up. Me and Pansy make our way out of the classroom.

Just as we were walking out, Riddle walks behind us. He slows his pace, matching it with mine. He moves smoothly, and with his elbow nudges me in the ribs, before running off. Laughing with Draco.
"Riddle!" I scream after him, annyoed.
"You okay?" Pansy asks me, concerned as she puts her hand on my shoulder.
"I'm fine. But he isn't getting away with it. He'll pay. Mark my words," I say frustrated as her and I walk towards our next class.

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