Chapter Seven-Everyone gets what they deserve, and Riddle deserves glitter

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I'm sitting on a couch, bored as I stare at the coffeee table. I'm in the Slytherin common room. It's been two weeks and 5 days since the Halloween party and since the exams. I'm still not over it. I sleep and sleep even if I slept for hours before. I'm still hungover somehow, or atleast that is how I feel.
I'm lazily waiting, desperately counting the days till Christmas. Why? Because we are going to Hogsmate. I know, I know. I can just go to Hogsmate now. But no. It'll be more interesting then. Because there will be decorations, hot chocolate, new books, candy, and snow everywhere. Christmas trees and lights hung all over the walls. I'm honestly so excited.
Just as I'm lost in thought, the portrait opens. Mattheo, Draco and Lorenzo walk in. OH BOY! They walk in. However, they're covered in paint. And if it can't be worse, it's pink paint! They're dripping, from head to toe. Splashing everywhere. Riddle storms towards Theodore and Blaise.
"Look what they did!" Riddle yells angrily, getting the attention of every student in the common room.

I immediatly realise the Weasley twins pulled up this prank. I must say I'm proud. Hella proud. This is the funniest thing they've done till now. They just brightened my day.

"The Weasley twins! Why can't they keep their pranks away from us!" Riddle yells again.
"My father will hear about this!" Malfoy says.
I suddenlly remember how Riddle hit me in the ribs a few weeks or months. I promised I'd make him pay. And I'm a woman of my word. I quickly teleport to my room, grabbing glitter. Then I quickly teleport to the Hogwarts kitchen, and secretly grab one of the puddings. Luckily for me, Sirius thought me how to teleport.
I teleport back in the Slytherin common room in seconds. I take out my phone and set it on the coffee table as it starts filming.
"Hey Riddle!" I say, walking towards Mattheo and his 'gang'.
He turns around, confused. I hold up the pudding, before throwing it at his face.
Theodore's ciggarette falls out of his mouth, Blaise stares at me, Draco facepalms, Lorenzo covers his mouth with his hand.
The whole common room bursts out laughing.
Mattheo freezes, his face splattered with pudding on top of pink paint. His lips apart, as he rubs his eye. Barely even able to say a word.
"She did not!" Lorenzo says smiling, shaking his head.
"Pray for her, she's dead," Blaise says.

A wide smirk forms on my face, as I open the package of glitter I'm holding. I stand on my toes, sipping it in Mattheo's hair.

"What is she doing?!" Mattheo yells helplessly.
"She's putting glitter in your hair!" Theodore says, laughing hystericlly.
"Run for your life!" Malfoy yells.

I laugh along with everyone, before quickly grabbing my phone from the coffee table. It filmed everything. I giggle, running out of the Slytherin common room.
"Hey, hey come back Potter!" Mattheo yells, running after me.
I keep running, but glance over my shoulder as I see him after me. I scream.
Everyone in the hall stares at us, before they see Riddle and burst into laughter.
He trips, and falls on his back. Because he is painted in paint, he starts sliding down the hall.
"This isn't over Potter!" He yells at me, his angry tone and voice echoing thru the hall as he dissapears.
I laugh, my back hitting the wall. I see the Weasley twins. They approach me, laughing along.
"Good job Viv!" Fred says, high fiving me.
"That was bonkers! Insane! Straight up from hell." George says, running a hand thru his ginger hair. "You topped off our prank."
"I learned from the best," I say proudly.

Skiptime to a few days later.

And besides, Riddle needed a little reminder to where his place is. People always get what they deserve. Some of them get it bad and some of them get it worse than the others. Riddle just got a little glitter in his hair, a puding thrown in his face, his body covered in paint. Right? No.
Riddle is still a little grumpy from our innocent little prank. Now, according to him, it was 'The stupidest and worst thing ever, you'll pay for this you childish immature idiots!'
He still can't take the glitter out of his hair, he still has paint in his hair, he smells bad from the paint, this and that. Bla bla bla. The video of me throwing the pudding at his face, spilling glitter in his hair, us chasing down the hall and him falling down then sliding down it, it all went viral.
That's what everyone talks about. And if Riddle hears anyone even mumble about it in front of him, he literally fights them. He's been getting more and more in detention.
However for some reason, he doesn't tell the professors it was me who pulled the prank. That I'm the one who hit him with the pudding and spilled glitter in his hair. He doesn't even let the professors see the video, even tho it's everything everyone talks about.
But what can I say? Someone had to make some drama. It was getting pretty boring and normal. Someone had to be the crazy one, and God chose me. So it's my duty, of course.
And atleast at the end of the day, we will actually have something to remember and tell everyone about. Thanks to me.
I'm sitting on my bed, in mine and Pansy's dorm. Staring at the celling. Until I get an idea. Why don't I write a letter to Mattheo? Why wouldn't I? That's a great idea. That is excactly what I'll do.
I stand up, walk to my desk and sit on the chair. I take out a white empty piece of paper. My fingers brush over the smooth surface. I take the pen, and start writing.

"Riddle, I was just sitting in my dorm, scrolling thru my notifications. When I came across the video of you embarassing yourself, yet again. So I have a few things I need to say. And I realise you probably have a few questions.
First-Why am I writing this instead of telling you?
Because your stubborn ass won't listen.

Second-Why did I throw pudding at your face, then spilled glitter in your hair?
Because lately you've been an immature idiot. Dancing left and right on my nerves, so I needed to put you back in place.
Now, for my questions.
Why didn't you tell the professors that I'm the one who told the Weasley twins to pull the prank, and that I'm the one who threw pudding at you and spilled glitter on you?
I must say, that's the smartest thing you've done till now. I didn't know you used your brain. Turns out you did. Thank you for that.
And one more thing, repsectfully I hope you don't get the glitter out of your hair.

I hate you.
From:Vivian Potter ☆

I finish writing the letter. I put it in an envelope, and give it to my owl, Spark.
She takes it in her small mouth, nodding. I open the window. She shakes her wings, before jumping up and flying thru the window, out of my dorm. I watch her, as she dissapears into the dark night full of dancing stars. I slump back onto my bed, falling asleep.

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