| A Sudden Change |

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Jaivanta hummed softly, as she stitched designs on the chunri, her eyes falling on the beautiful red one with golden designs that Hansa had given her.

"Ajabde made this," Hansa had said proudly, as she showed Jaivanta the chunri, which had given the latter a lot of surprise. A young girl so talented?

From everything Veerbai said, Ajabde sounded fantastic, and she wanted to meet this young girl, who had captured Veerbai's affection so easily. Further, with the list of things Hansa told her, Jaivanta Bai felt as if Ajabde could be a potential match for Pratap.

But it all depended on what her son thought of Ajabde, of course. Before she could continue that train of thought, Rana Udai Singh walked in to the chambers, and she stood up, greeting him with a smile.

"Ranaji, aap?"

"Who else will walk in to your chambers with so much right?" he asked teasingly, making her laugh softly, nodding her head and indicating for him to join her. He sat down, his eyes also falling on the chunri Ajabde had made.

"Jaivantabaiji, I have never seen this chunri among your collection?"

"It was a gift from Hansa, Ranaji," Jaivanta said, showing it to him. "This chunri's designs were done by Ajabde."

"Vaah!" Udai Singh exclaimed, clearly impressed. "How well done!"

"Indeed, Ranaji. It sounds like she has many qualities too," Jaivanta said. "Of course, when we meet her, we will know, but I wish.."

Jaivanta closed her mouth, faltering. Her husband did look at status, and she wondered what he would say if she voiced out her wishes.

"You wish that Kunwar Pratap marries Ajabde," Udai Singh said, looking at his first wife knowingly, making her blink and nod hesitantly. The King continued, "After what Veer Baiji said, I really want to meet Ajabde as well. If we feel, and by we, I also mean to include Sajja bai and Veer bai, then we can decide to proceed with their match. If not, the other Princesses will anyway be here know?"

Jaivanta looked thoroughly delighted, and impulsively hugged her husband, thrilled at his words. He was showing who he really was, the truth of him, since the scare at Bijolia with Surtan Singh. She felt him embrace her back before she could pull away, and sighing softly, she sunk into his arms.



Ajabde hummed softly, as she picked flowers for her Kanha. She had a habit of worshipping Him specially every time the day before a journey. It was right after jalpaan, and she knew most of the inhabitants of the palace would be resting. Even Phool had gone to rest after jalpaan, but Ajabde was busy.

She had to get the garlands ready for her pooja, then direct the daasis for last minute checks, and finally cook the evening meal. She felt like making kheer, though she refused to acknowledge why. And here she was, dreaming instead of working. Rolling her eyes at herself, Ajabde got to work, when she heard his voice call out to her.


"Kunwar Pratap," she whirled around to see him, her eyes meeting his immediately, her heart beating fast at the slightly closer distance between them than usual. Why was this one tiny change affecting her so much?

"Why are you picking flowers in the middle of the day?"

"I tend to do a special pooja for Kanhaji, for any long trip I am to take. It is to pray for all obstacles to be removed and to bless all with a smooth journey."

"You too?" Pratap sounded impressed, making Ajabde lower her gaze shyly. She looked back up, curious on who the other person was.

"RaniMaa always does a special pooja for her Kanhaji as well," he continued, his eyes showing far off memories of his mother, the queen consort of Rana Udai Singh, the one who was the best friend of her mother.

"I have heard a lot of Maharanisa from Maa," Ajabde offered, getting a few more flowers. "And the more I hear, the more curious I am to meet her."

"I am sure she will love you," Pratap said, his eyes so tender that it made Ajabde blush bright red, and her doe eyes met Pratap's once again, the now familiar eye lock suddenly intensifying the air around them. What was going on even, wondered Ajabde, though she refused to stop looking at him. His gaze felt like the warmth of a burning fire, one that calmed a burning heart down. His magnetism was so clear to Ajabde, and she knew she had been caught helplessly in the web of it, one of the few webs she did not get disturbed about, strangely.

"H-how do you say so?" Ajabde slowly asked, still staring at him.

"How can she not, Ajabde?" Pratap asked softly, staring back deep into her eyes, and taking a step closer to her, the air suddenly sizzling. Ajabde could feel goosebumps form on her arms, when the sudden distant call of Phool broke the eye lock between them.

"Looks like Phool wants you as always, Ajabde," Pratap sighed and said, still gazing at her, taking in her red cheeks with something like a fond gaze.

"Yes, Kunwar Pratap. I... Do you want to come for the pooja?" Ajabde asked, chiding herself internally. What was she thinking? Why would he want to come for her pooja?

"It would be an honour, Ajabde."

She looked at him with widened eyes, his own a sparkling hue of colours, which made her blush even more. What was this Prince doing to her?


"I will see you soon, Kunwar Pratap," Ajabde smiled at him and left, feeling his gaze burn into her and blushing at this thought, before going to find Phool.


The pooja was completed successfully. Only Pratap and Ajabde were there, and the latter had lost herself only when it came to her Kanhaji. Otherwise, she was completely aware of Kunwar Pratap and his warm presence.

Ajabde turned and gave Pratap the prasada, smiling and turning back to her Kanhaji, when she suddenly saw two peacock feathers float down from his crown and fall in two places, one on the dais in front of her, and one in front of Kunwar Pratap.

"Kanha," Ajabde whispered softly, as Pratap moved forward, taking the peacock feather, Ajabde following the action.

"Ajabde, we both are very fortunate. He has blessed us, for this and every journey in our lives. Isn't it so?"

"It is, Kunwar Pratap. It is."


The next chapter will be out in a few days, mostly Wednesday, latest Thursday. Do leave comments!

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