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S/A Mentions!!!

It has been days since Izek has been looking for his wife and still couldn't find her he had dark bags around his eyes as he hasn't slept while looking for her. Him and his knights were teleported into a room.

Anubis was listening to his father talk about Seth, they have been looking for him but can't seem to find him as Ra and Sekhmet cared deeply for him that after they found out he killed himself they moved his soul so it wouldn't go to Duat but be reborn. Only Ran and Sekhmet knows Seth dead. Anubis and Osiris were teleported into a room with some other people but a barrier keeping them away from each other.

Horus has been searching for his uncle and still can't find any trace of him but was teleported into a room with Osiris and Anubis, Ra smiled she was waiting for entertainment she knew they were going to watch something of her favourite great-grandchild she warned Sekhmet about it. They were both teleported as well.

Isis,Hathor,Nephthys,Foreign God,Maat,Thoth,Nut and Geb were all teleported into the same room with other gods.

Ellen,Lorenzo,Enzo,Endymion were also teleported but in with the knights.

Freya thought her plan was going well when she heard he was searching for Ruby she thought he would punish her or divorce her. She was also teleported.

Two girls teleported one on each side of the barrier. The Gods were about to use there powers but a voice stopped them.

" You can't use your powers" Nori spoke to them telepathically "we are messengers from the Greek God Apollo"

The Gods didn't really believe it and stopped after they heard what Nori spoke " Aphrodite will come and help with your questions but first we want you to watch something. "

Horus spoke first " who will we watch? " he asked sceptically Nori told them it will be Seth, Everyone stood up straighter but Ra and Sekhmet let out big smiles. Osiris and Horus desperately wanted to know but didn't show it.

Nori spoke " Seth died but he didn't go to Duat he was reincarnated into another universe " "LIES!" Isis hissed. Nori stared her down " I can not lie my lady " her tone sent a chill down most of their spines. Nori moved over to Anubis and placed two hand on his cheeks a light golden glow shined which made everyone try to stop Nori but Ra stopped them and let Nori finish what she was doing.

Nori put down her hands and tears started coming from Anubis's eyes, he fell to his knees Nori knelt down and hugged him Anubis kept repeating the words ' I'm sorry ' " It's all my fault, he did it because of me! " he screamed to himself while all the other gods exchanged glances wondering what is happening while Ra and Sekhmet had a shared smirk.

While that was happening Seraph was breaking the news to the other side of the barrier " My name is Seraph don't worry I'm not a witch or a demon. I am a messenger of the God Apollo. I can not lie what I will show you will be the truth about your Lady Wife Ruby, Sir Izek. " He pointed his sword at her " do you know where she is? are you hiding her? " he asked more like demanded.

" I know where she is and I will bring her here after you get settled with the others " they turned to look at the Gods. " The Goddess Aphrodite will be here soon to show the truth of my words " he slowly put his sword away as soon as it was away Freya latched onto his arm telling him she was frightened, he gave her to Ellen and went to sit down on one of the seats the knights and everyone else joined him.

Back with the Gods Nori was get a teared eyed Anubis off the floor and a bright light shined and there stood Aphrodite.

Back with the Gods Nori was get a teared eyed Anubis off the floor and a bright light shined and there stood Aphrodite

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(My look of her)

She let out a big smile at the sight of them. She walked up to Maat and gave her a piece of paper with writing on it. " Maat this i'm giving you your power for, put me on trial and ask me these questions please " Maat looked them over and paled and the questions but nodded regardless they set it all up. And Maat said the first question.

" Aphrodite do you know the real reason why Seth killed Osiris? " that made everyone freeze Sekhmet and and Ra let out smiles while Osiris was trying to stop them but Ra stopped him as he gritted his teeth Isis was sweating lightly, Anubis was watching with a pained face as though he didn't want it to be true. The Foreign God let out an amused chuckle at the display. Horus frowned wanting to know, Hathor and Nephthys looked confused while Geb and Nut were wondering what was happening did there son have another reason. Thoth was worried as he saw the paleness of Maat. "Yes" Aphrodite voiced.

" She is not lying " Maat let out to the others that made most of every God stiffen. " What happened the night Seth killed Osiris? " Maat asked Aphrodite, she let out a small smirk in Osiris's direction who glared at her daring her to continued. " Seth found out that Nephthys had sex with Osiris to conceive Anubis as Seth was infertile, he went to his brother they were talking about it while over some wine. However the wine was drugged. "

That made Anubis cry even more as the heart didn't move Geb and Nut wondering why there son drugged him and if he drugged him how did he kill him.

Aphrodite continued " Vines went around Seth's body that held him down and raped him and used Anubis to keep Seth from attacking. " each word she spoke didn't make the heart heavier and made everyone more pale. But Aphrodite continued.

" While he was drugged it game him the power to have a child, Osiris wanted to have a child with Seth. " Nut started crying for her poor son while Geb was trying to comfort her. " He begged Osiris to let Anubis go. Seth tried to kill himself over and over but Osiris kept bringing him back " Isis froze at he words and kept trying to deny it, but she knew.

" Seth pretended to enter Duat and Osiris got rid of his immortality to go after him, he ended up killing himself Osiris did, he kept insisting that it was love " her heart never felt heavy.

Mostly everyone was in shock Anubis was crying his little heart out while Horus remained frozen in place, Seth's parents in crumbles, Thoth looked very uncomfortable Osiris was raging but Ra kept him on a leash, Sekhmet was taunting Isis as she let herself believe her brother seduced her husband. 

" Ra and Sekhmet made a deal with me I don't need anything but I got a free favour as Seth fully killed himself as a demi-god instead of going to Duat he would reincarnate. He know goes as Rudbeckia De Borgia. This is what she looks like " Aphrodite showed a pictured of her The Gods couldn't believe it they got a break and after calming down and binding Osiris from moving they sat down ready to watch her new life.

The other side of the barrier heard everything and it made Izek want to kill that God more than anything the others were all disgusted they found out that Izek's wife was the former God of War Seth and deserved way better. Just as the show was about to start a light bloomed and there was Ruby asleep.

Izek saw her and immediately rushed to her trying to wake her up as the other knights tried as well but he didn't want anyone near his wife. Aphrodite told them she is put asleep till some of the episodes are finished and others will be coming Izek brought her onto his seat and on his lap as she screen started up.

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