Chapter 2

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I was laying in a bed. I groaned inwardly. I realized now, that I had completely freaked out over nothing. It had probably been a mistake or it could have been sent years ago. I hadn't checked my email in awhile so it was probably old. He couldn't have found me after all these  years. Still, the fear was there.

Carefully, I peaked one eye open and shut it really fast. There were loads of people around my bed staring at me. I hated large groups of people I didn't know. I stole another look. Bucky, Natasha, Steve, Tony, and.... Loki? Five freakin people came to stare at me! And I didn't even know two of them. I didn't like strangers too much.

Tony always struck me as one of those people who can annoy the crap out of you, while making you laugh at the same time. I had never met him. Loki, I had never met but I had heard interesting stories. He was apparently a bad guy. I wondered what he was doing here.

I knew I had to face them eventually. With a sigh, I opened my eyes and sat up. Every eye was on me. I rolled my eyes.

Really? I'm not about to explode so chillax guys. I said. I was almost getting angry.

This was crazy! I wasn't hurt, yet I was in the hospital. I didn't need people to stare at me, yet here they are. Everyone kinda backed away from the bed and began looking at spots on the ceiling. I rolled my eyes again. Bucky was looking at me strangely. Oh. I forgot. I probably just scared the crap out of him.

Oh. Sorry. I'm fine. Really. I overreacted to something stupid and made myself pass out. I'm fine. It must be the stress. Its only been two months since I left Hydra, so I'm still recovering. Sooooo. I trailed off.

Everyone just kept staring so I stared back. I contented myself with studying the personalities of the people in the room. I looked into Bucky's eyes first.

I saw the same quiet reserve that had always been there. He had been talking more but was still quiet. His eyes showed pain, sadness, and even some anger. Yet they had a light undertone. Happiness was becoming a bigger part of his life. Even though I couldn't keep all the pain away, I could bring some life into his life. I also saw something that made me smile, love. I moved on.

Steve. Adorable Steve. I saw lightheartedness and joy in his eyes. I saw goofy and playful. But I noticed an undertone of seriousness and he had a slight look of pressure. He probably felt like he had to be perfect all the time. He too had love in his eyes. Every time he looked at Natasha it came out in full force.

Ahh. Natasha. She had seriousness and responsibility in her eyes. I also saw a tad bit of manipulation and pride. She had a undertone of playfulness and sarcasm. I also noticed that she felt guilty. Probably from her past.

Tony. I had never met him but I could tell a lot about him just by his eyes. I immediately saw self confidence and pride. He was playful, funny, and slightly annoying. He also didn't appreciate Steve much. However, a slight undertone betrayed him. I knew that deep inside him he was afraid of making a mistake.

I saved the best for last. I knew hardly anything about him, but I knew at first glance he was misunderstood. He was the one person that returned my probing stare. I knew he was reading me while I read him. He was a broken soul with an almost inpenitraitable mask of defiance, anger, pride, and self-confidence. He was playful and mischievous. But underneath it he was sad and had yet to find a reason to live. I felt sorry for him. He was like Bucky.

I realized I didn't know much about anybody. I had refused to go to any parties or social events that Steve arranged. But I knew I had to start. Even if it felt awkward, I had to do it.  

Saving Bucky: Part 2Where stories live. Discover now