Chapter 19

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Time Capsule

"A lot has happened in the past year, I wouldn't change anything but I still wonder what would have happened if I didn't move back

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"A lot has happened in the past year, I wouldn't change anything but I still wonder what would have happened if I didn't move back. Maybe I would still have a good relationship with my mom but also maybe my dad wouldn't have changed"


Jayson sat in class as coach Whitney played videos of teenagers from years ago getting interviewed

"in 1955, students at Tree Hill High School created a time capsule, it was to be opened in 50 years. They were simply asked to talk about their lives, isn't it interesting how things haven't changed much?" Whitney walked back and forth in front of the class "Within the next week each one of you will go into our converted supply closet, push the green button in front of you and videotape your thoughts"

"We have too?" Nathan asked his arms crossed

"Yes, you have to" he replied sternly "I won't see it, nobody will, not until 2025. By which time I'll be dead and buried" he finished just as the bell rang and everyone started heading for the door "Nate you got a second?"

"No" Nathan sighed walking out the door class

Jayson and Lucas grab their bags and start heading to the door when Whitney came over "are you two looking after him?"

"We're trying" Lucas sighed and Jayson shrugged before walking out


Jayson found himself somewhere he hadn't been in awhile, Keith's. He knocked on the door and the door opened a second after

"Jayson" Keith smiled opening the door wider letting him in

"Hey Keith" Jayson sent the smile right back

"Long time no see"

"Yeah sorry I guess I've been figuring things out you know" he laughed "um congratulations by the way, I heard about the engagement"

"Thank you" he closed the door "you should meet her, she's truly amazing"

"You love her huh" he smiled sitting up on the counter and the older man nodded "have you ver had a girlfriend before?"

Keith chuckled "um yeah I have but it never worked out"

"Are they in Tree Hill?"

"Um no, not anymore" he had an unreadable expression on his face before it got taken over by a small smile "so how's everything going?"

"Good, it's been better then the past months" Jayson nodded "Eric is back, and I think he might of actually changed"

"I may not like him but he's still your dad so just be careful alright" he says causing him to nod "have you talked to your mom at all know"

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