Chapter 20 ~ Hide & Seek ~

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*Short insight*

~ Tom's POV ~

I finally created my third horcrux and hogwarts is under my mercy for the second year.
Yet, Eva is still missing. Those useless aurors of the ministry can not even manage to find their own brain, how would they manage to find a person.
I know if I want something to be done, I have to do it myself. 
But I have been too busy. 
Too busy building my following in the shadows of the wizarding world. 
I created history. Which, in it's time will reveal itself to everyone.

The Malfoy's have been big supporters of my cause so far. So much, they even accept the meetings to be held in their manson. Not like they would have another choice anyways. 

I keep wearing a mask at more public gatherings, you never know if a useless auror disturbs you. But no one lives to tell the tale.. The number of muggles in hogwarts went down drastically. 
After I released the basilik of the chamber of secrets.., but unfortunately, Albus found a way to kill it. Uther fool.

Neverthless it killed twenty muggle born students and put in fear so they would not attend Hogwarts this following year, and many more years for sure. Fear is such an interesting tool.
Small minds, running away like sheeps from the big bad wolf..

The Daily Prophet calls it "Dark Times for the Wizarding World". Hah.
Bright times. Bright times. I need to have a talk with Misses Skeeter..

I denied the idea of closing hogwarts vigiliantly

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I denied the idea of closing hogwarts vigiliantly. Explaining to them how important it is to keep the integrity of this school and to maintain order and structur for those in need...
Those fools believe everything I say. My voice, sweet melodies in their ears. 
Intoxicating like sugar I sneak my way around those in power. The nobles like my speachess.
I smile in their faces and their mind is like minded. Well, as far as their capacity reaches. 

Soon the rest of the wizarding world will learn the truth.. but not for now. For now we play hide and seek. 

I need to go to albania, finding this filthy ghosts diadem.
Despite the school being a usefull tool in creating new followers, I have to turn my back to it and move on. I will put in my spies to get reports just like I did with the ministry of magic.
Too bad Eva is not here. I would have used her.

The war will come soon enough, for now I need to gather more allies and strenghten my power.
And maybe, I will find her. I know she is not dead. And neither is Grindelwald.
But he will be. And she will be mine again. If she works with him free willed, I will take her life away in the same moment as his. 

~to be continued~

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