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Charles' POV

After Lana's break up, I fell to the lowest point possible. I didn't sleep, my races' results were awful, I din't speak to my family. Yeah, nothing went to my sense. 

That's when Alex arrived in my life. She helped me in so many ways. I sarted to eat normally, smiled again. She was my little sunshine. 

And now, the girl who caused this, wants to talk to me. I lied to Alex, I feel so guilty but I'm very curious to know what she had to say. 

Tomorrow, 10:00 AM at Jardin Exotique
You will have thirty minutes or a little bit less because after I had a meeting
Is it ok for you ? 

Thank you so muuuuuuuuch Charles. I'll be there

Important ot not, we need to explain what happend

Sure, I understand


A little bit short but it's here to introduce the next part of the story. 


150 words

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