#2 digifest

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It was a fine morning in summer, I don't know what to do in the morning. I decided to just take a bath and eat breakfast. My phone suddenly rang and it was Y/B/F/N who was calling. I answered it right away.
"HEY Y/N" she screamed
"Why won't you chill, haha, sup?"
She seemed like she was going to tell me something that would make my day so good
Digifest? Is she inviting me? I'm not interested in going. I don't know who are those people at Digifest.
"Really? That's great tho" I smiled
"Wanna go with me? Come on, they will be here on saturday, and saturday is my birthday"
I started starring at the floor, oh yeah, it's Y/B/F/N's bday on saturday.
"Hey, Y/N! Are you there?" She asked
"Yea yea, I'll come" I rolled my eyes
"YAS!!! 4 days left!"
"Haha yea, I gotta go, talk to you later" i fake laughed
"Sure, bye!"
I ended the call
Hope mom won't let me go to digifest, so I went downstairs and saw my mom making breakfast. She has a dayoff today. (Today is tuesday)
"Hi mom." I greeted
"Oh you're already awake"
"Mom, I need to tell you something"
She was suprised maybe she thought that I'm pregnant. Haha. Don't worry mom.
"Mom, I'm not pregnant. It's not a bad news"
She sighed in relieve, and I started talking
"So, Y/B/F/N invited me to go with her to the Digifest on Saturday."
"You should go" she answered
"Why mom?"
"I won't be here on saturday, I have a business trip on saturday so I won't be here for a week."
"Can I stay at Y/B/F/N's house while you're gone?" I asked
"Sure darling, just behave while I'm gone"
I nodded and she hugged me. Ofcourse, I hugged back.

(Yeah, I skipped because I'm lazy haha)
Digifest in San Diego was crowdy, I only know Matt Espinosa tbh, I heard of him before. He's pretty cute, and hot to be honest. While on the other hand, Y/B/F/N was screaming, fangirling and getting crazy. I'm thirsty so I told her that I'll be at the store to buy myself a water. I might buy her a water also so she won't collapse. While I was walking to the store, I bump a guy with a dirty blonde hair and with a sunglasses on.
"Oh, I'm sorry" he picked me up
He looked familiar, Is he Matt? Matt Espinosa?
"Hey, you ok?" He snapped his fingers in front of my face
I didn't realize that I'm starring at him maybe I'm observing him
"Yeah, I'm Y/N" i threw my hands
"Matt, Matt Espinosa" he threw his hands and we handshaked
"Oh, sorry for bumping you" I apologized
"No, I'm sorry for bumping you, I'm not looking at my direction"
I smiled and he asked for my number
Of course, I gave him my number and he gave his number.
"When will I see you?" He asked
"Maybe after 2000 years" I laughed
"You're funny"
He disappered and I smiled as I went in the store. I went back to my bestfriend smiling. What's happening to me?

Matt's POV
I saw a girl, an amazing girl, she's beautiful, she has this something that I like about her. Carter saw me smiling. Oh gosh, here goes the interview.
"Why are you smiling?"
"Ha, uhm, nothing" i lied
Should I tell him the truth?

Wassup? Another imagine haha. Don't leave me hanging haha, requests are now open! Enjoy :) Btw, crappy imagine. Sorry about that.
Twitter : @mattsasspinoosa
Instagram: @classhicc

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